
Help me lose weight plz.!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok im tryna lose like 20 pounds by tha end of this year (if possible)..

Im not over weight but im kind of chubby.

Im open for anything like tips or tricks.

My new school is like 10 blocks away from my house so if I walk to & from school everyday will I began to shed tha pounds??

What kind of diet is good for me?

Im not very active outside of school yet cuz I dont know that much people but I know I will be soon.

Oh & I like all fruits & vegetables so that will help me alot!





  1. Hello im working on weight loss myself. I was 287 lbs now 248 and dropping. I started weight training and eating right i follow a low carb,low fat high protein diet.I do some cardio hike on weds and my 1st set of lifting is low weight hi reps this burns fat and is a good warm up before hitting the heavy weights. Ps stuff in bottles is a waste of money dont fall for the hype.

  2. Okay, i have tryed loosing weight for ages..and i have just found out how to do it and have lost loads! i will tell u wht i do but remember everyone is diffferent..

    Okay, if u can, join a GYM..go for atleast half an hour a day for a week..then crank it up to an hour..

    Try to cut out as much fatty foods as possible..main one being CRISPS..they do nothing for u..high in salt and trainer at the gym told me not to eat them if i am trying to loose weight.

    Just eat healthly..6 nutritious meals a day is good, small meals..but with the protiens ect tht u need..u can have lovely things like chocolate and stuff but only a small treat urself every couple of days to a choc bar or something..

    FRUIT is very good..if u get peckish eat an orange or something instead of fatty me it makes ALOT of difference!!

    So healthly and a few weeks i was already seeing the differnence!! nd if ur not overweight just abit chubby (like i was) it wont be too long till u get the shape u want!!

    Good luck!! hope that helps!!

  3. Do a lot of push ups, maybe 15 at night before you sleep... try to jog twice a day, and just eat less.  

  4. don't worry about dieting, the easiest way to lose weight is through cardiovascular activity; running and swimming work best.  biking is good too, but that will really only shed weight off your legs

    don't run for speed, but for time.  Start running like twenty minutes straight a day, then gradually work up to more time.

    You will lose a lot of weight initially, and you will gain a lot of muscle

    you may eventually gain weight, but don't worry, muscle weighs more than fat and you'll still look thin because it's all muscle

    good luck!

  5. Try This

    It worked really well for me

  6. the web cant help you loose wait r****d

  7. i commend your desire to lose weight.the gains are too numerous to mention.your plan is fair but you can do better and also you did not add aerobic exercise to your plan.loosing weight involves three steps

    1.cleansing your body of toxins,pollutants,preservatives

    2.strengthening the body with antioxidants,vits, anthocyanin

    3 SLIMMING down for life.

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