
Help me make a stand against the "Emo" label? What are your views on this?

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This has really been getting on my nerves lately.

The label "emo".

This label describes people who dress in black, wear heavy makeup, and have piercings. You know it, so why should I say?

Anyways, they are insulting the word emo. Emo is short for emotional. It represents a person with a lot of strong emotions. When a person calls someone "emo" for the way they dress, it's degrading the people who actually have this problem.

You CANNOT judge a person by looks or by simple statements. You may want attention dressing like that. That's the common case.

You could ACTUALLY have strong emotions, but this is soooo rare. Basic things about hating your life and wanting to die are NOT emotional. When you think about it, they just want an easy way out. It's a sign of being immature.

Help me make a stand against this by not calling things like fashion and not grouping people together as "emo".

Please? What are your views on this matter? It annoys me to the point of crying.




  1. everyone is sterotyped and judged by what they look like. I get called a hippie or a rasta all the time just b/c I have dreadlocks, and I'm far from both categories.

    I know it sucks that people judge, but that's the way it always has been and always will be. You just have to learn to live with it, and not let it bother you. You know who you are, and you know that the kids called "emo" are a joke, and there are other intelligent people out there who know this as well. It's just that the general public is pretty stupid...and just getting stupider!

  2. We agree. (my friend's with me xD)

    People say "emo" people slit their wrists and are depressed, yet if someone was actually depressed, cut themselves and the whole nine yards and didn't dress "emo"-ish, then what should we call them? It's pathetic.

    And then, going along with the stereotypical "emo", what the eff is a "happy emo"? o.0 That's like saying, sticking strictly to stereotypes, that a gothic person loves poppy, sickly-sweet songs about puppy dogs. Honestly... It's just screwed up.

    You also have the popular insult where, if you even have an ounce of black on you, you're suddenly "emo". Teens nowadays are pathetic, they'll eat anything up and spit it out when it's no longer in the lime light. =/ I hate to call myself a teen in this generation, actually.

  3. okay...emo`s are non conformists but there are so many of them they`re conforming.

    to be honest i hate the fact how someone dresses is reflected on how they feel coz that's just bollocks, i could go out naked, does that me i am open and free?!.

    I do agree with you and i think these idiots should stop labeling what people dress like and referring it to an emotion, its stupid, pathetic and they need to get a life.

    people who have real problems hide their  feeling jus coz of the fear of being labelled emo! wtf!! some people have some real problems and they need to let it out.

    bottom line - people dress how they like to dress and they feel how they feel there is no correlation between the two!

  4. That's not what "emo" means where I teach.  Kids use it to mean other kids (or adults) who PRETEND to be emotionally or mentally disturbed just to get attention.  Hence the term "emo" - short for emotionally lacking.  The kids you describe, we call "goth"

  5. I agree with you, and mangafreak

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