
Help me make my NEW Yugioh Deck?

by  |  earlier

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I have approx 600 bucks to spend and i want to make a new yugioh deck. I was running a gladiator beast deck... but in light of the current situation (heraklinos being reprinted soon) i have sold the deck and moved on. I have all the staples that i should need for a good deck (mirror force etc.) and a few extra cards (crush card, democ etc.). I have nearly 3000 commons/rares and i want to make a new deck. Any good ideas?

Im leaning towards Lightsworn or making a pwning demise deck just for fun. I dont know whats going to be the strongest upcomming deck.. I have a gadget opression that uses jowgen but thats just for a fun anti metagame deck...

Are perfect circle monarchs dying out?

i might just make a pwning gladiator deck once heraklinos gets reprinted. who knows... phft... i might just quit.

Waiting for your sugestions!





  1. i assume you have waboku's. Those are still important lol. Who the **** do you play yugioh with?

  2. My opinion in decks are make a machine deck cause machine decks such as ancient gear decks are good because of their trap and spell negation effects , having a machine also comes to an advantage when someone uses something thats allows only 1500 or less to attack monster that are machine are usefull but weak if you can get the right combos out of the deck the deck is good. Just to tell you buy Light  of Destruction packs if you want to get really good machine cards so yea ...

  3. zombies are going to get a huge boost in a week from mezuki, so I would say zombies. Since they now have goblin zombie to get out zombie master, you can use pyramid turle to swarm with ryu kooki/il blud. I'm to poor to afford il blud/goblin zombie, so i just have to stick with zombie master, but it seems to me that you could pay for easily:)

  4. dude spend your money on somthing better then cards i mean all ur probaly ganna do is iether play with them until they get bend then ther worthless or just sit on a shelf really think about but if u really have go ahead ive done dumber things

  5. if i was you i would keep your gadget oppression or whack up a budget deck e.g. PC but seeing as u alreay said u have ccv and stuff that should be no prob. U should WAIT for the new ban list before you splash out $$$ on a dad/lightsworn/another GB deck because these are the most likely thing to be hit by the list.

    So in theory if u save ur cash and then go to a tournament at the begging of the next format, then you should have the best deck there (or one of the best)

    Dont buy any of the new consoles they are a complete waste of $$$. if you are gonna quit then do not sell ypur cards unless you NEED the cash aswell so if you felt like getting back into it then u could quite easily. If you feel the need to but something electronic then buy a high spec computer (can play most 360 games and some PS3 ones such as DMC4 exept the games are like half the price, and you can do more than just play games with a computer/ laptop.

    Hope i helped :-)

  6. perfect cirlc eis gonna get big again thre next nban list is gonna hurt the glads beast and so 4 type decks

    DaD ( Corn Control  ) - Monarchs / Prime / DaD

    PC Monarchs ( Or LaDD Control )



  7. only spend that much if u go 2 tournies every week or so

    my favuorites

    Batteryman AA otk

    Demise OTK

    Heart of the Underdog draw to get all of Exodia (exept for 2/3 hearts all u have is the 5 pieces of exodia and the rest normal monsters




    Crystal Beast

    All of these decks kick A$$ so use one of them

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