
Help me my 1st beardie?

by  |  earlier

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ive jus bought my 1st beardie but he anit ate anything n this is the third day.ive give him crickets but nuffin tryd a treat of wax worm.dandilion leave.then was told locustis. but they scared igot can o crickets.but still he anit ate.cud some1 tell me wat to do i keepin readin up on the net but every1 says something else.he quite active an loves gettin a wee spray of water. im i tryin 2 hard 2 feed him?? as he also been given dry food mixed wit the crickets but he jus licks it an looks away?wud i be handlen im 2 much?doeshe jus nee time till settle?? if some1cud get bac till me asap plz.thanks.





  2. i have had my beardie for about 3 months now and i had a similar problem.. i fed mine lettuce and carrots before i gave it crickets but even still just needed time to settle in and eventually he ran after the crickets and started to eat more and more every day..  i dont think you're handling it too much coz they are very friendly animals.. mine still feels threatened by me and doesn't like being picked up but oh well! i would say yours just needs to settle in.. they are live crickets right? being live crickets means that ur beardie has some company [so to say] and is stimulated to exercise and run around even more. do you cover them in calcium powder? i have a UV light but i still cover the crickets in calcium powder coz they hide in the grounding i have and they camouflage so my beardie can't see them haha

    just give your beardie time :)

  3. i don't undertand.please clear the question so could help.

  4. i have had my 2 beardies for about 1 year and my family and i had the same problem.

    it took mine about a week before he started eating

    he is just getting use to his new home

    give him a few more days

    if he dose not start eating take him to the vet

    if you need more info ask the people who you got him from and see what they tell you

    we bought ours from people in California so we had them shipped  so if you had him shipped to your house it will be about a week before he start to eat

  5. have u got the right size crickets, just put a few  dusted in the calcium and vitamin powders and watch, sometimes with mine i have to chase them out  [the crickets] from whatever they,ve hidden under and point my beardies in the right direction, but they usually go for them, also is your temp right, 86 in day down to 76 at night, with heater lamp at one end of viv and thermometer at cooler end,with uv light on for at least ten hours a day so they can absorb calcium for good bones

  6. the thing with beardies is that they will only eat when they are hungry they will stop if they are stressed if you have just got him it could be the fact that he is in a strange surrounding or he maybe getting used to being on his own and new smells and just keep offering him food and he will eat eventually

  7. Your baby dragon needs a few days to settle in. Leave him/her alone, no handling at all for the first few days. Dont try to feed him for a few days just let them settle in and watch so that the next time you come up to the tank he wont be as scared, he will be in his territory. I just bought two around september and my female readily ate when we got her but it took the male about a week. Make sure you have the proper temps in the cage and somewhere for him to bask, along with UV light, and just give it time. Dragons arent hard to raise they just require some patience. Mine now love to be handled, they come out and watch tv with me, they take baths in the tub while i clean their cages, they even put up with my dog staring at them. They're great critters. Good Luck with your dragon :)

  8. Just leave him well alone for a week .You shouldn't be handling him yet or spraying him.just leave him to settle down.just provide him with fresh water and put a couple of crickets in his Viv after 4-5 days .If he doesn't eat them within a couple of hours take them out and try again a couple of days latter.By then he should be feeding fine and you can introduce different foods like locust,mealworm and wax worms.Dont feed lettuce as this has no nutritional value and will just give them the runs.remember to also dust the food with calcium powder every other feed.The canned crickets are not a very good choice.they like to chase their food like in the wild and this also gives them a bit of excersise and keeps their wits about them.

  9. He's probably just settling into his new home and getting used to the new surroundings. For now id just leave him be and not handle him - his feeding should improve as he gains more confidence.

    However if he still isnt eating in about a week or two, i'd take him to the vet just to be on the safe side and see if there is an underlying cause of why he's not eating.

    I assume you have read about the correct heating and lighting requirements - 105 degree (40'C) basking area, and 12 hours of UVB lighting.

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