
Help me my computer is infected

by  |  earlier

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i feel some c script has run on my computer from a website now my screen appears all wavy ?from the time i start it even in safe mode is it possible?if yes any solutions




  1. repair windows, only sol, or re-install..!!

  2. according to me virus has corrupted your whole pc so there is no point in using antivirus the only way to give ur pc a new life is to delete all partitions and create again by formatting so it will make ur pc feel refreshed

  3. Try Norton, Ad-Aware & Spybot. Make sure the definitions are up to date.  Or you may have a poor connection to your screen, bent pins on the cable or the monitor is simply on its way out.  Can you plug in another monitor to test?  

  4. Try an updated version of avira antivir pro or personal edition

  5. I don't think its a virus infection ! How ever you can confirm it by  the following steps.Shut down your computer. Power On it back again.Then go to BIOS(to go to BIOS you have to press F1,or F2 or DEL key or some other key depending upon your mother Board type.Some mother board also diplays the button to be pressed for entering BIOS in the first boot up screen).After u have entered the BIOS watch the screen carefully if the same waves are seen " It may be the problem with your monitor or some power problem"- OR If possible also try using different CPU with the same monitor in the same place.If still u see same waves its a sure sort problem of the monitor or power supply .  And if u find all of the above test PASS  it may be a virus problem.Contact one of the best computer service provider and have your computer formatted and Original Antivirus reloaded.Good Luck. contact for further help

  6. This problem basically arises when there is something wrong with the display drivers. So better u start ur troubleshooting process with re-installation of display drivers. They r contained in the CD provided with the mother board......

    Hopefully ur prob will b solved. If not feel free 2 contact me.

    Good Luck

  7. If possible just reinstall your windows........

    That will definately solve it.

  8. Try running a virus scan and delete it

  9. If there is a virus, scan your computer with a powerful updated antivirus and clean/delete the virus found.

  10. download kaspersky from

    and scan your computer.

  11. check it out with newly downloaded antivirus... download what ever software u need at

  12. Either a virus or spyware. Download and use Spybot S&D, Ad-aware, and for virus scan maybe ClamWin or AVG. You can also use an online scanner, if your computer will let you. There's an online scanner here:

    If it's difficult to remove whatever infected you, you might want to use a security forum like this one for help:

    There's a tool that you can download from called HiJackThis that will do a scan of running programs and things that start when Windows starts that you can use to create a log file and you can post your log file for analysis. Make sure you read and follow the instructions on that forum before posting anything.

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