
Help me!!!!!! my school has really strict uniforms and i need 2 stand out!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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here are the rules:

no head bands

socks have 2 match shoes

shoes have 2 b plain black white or brown

cant wear belts with big buckles or led scrollers or any thing like that

blets have to be plaint black whit or brown

purses have to b smaller than a sheet of paper

only 2 bracelets or bangles

only 1 neclace

no beads

no chains

earrings have to be smaller than a quarter

no heels on shoes

no sweaters or any thing like that

we cant wear shirts under our uniform

no capris or high waters

pants have to reach the top of our shoes

skirt have to be box or pleated

skirts have to go to our fingers when relaxed at our sides.

pants can only have 1 botton and have 2 have a zipper

shirt must have 2 or 3 dark buttons

Tops – Solid burgundy, long or short sleeve polo style with 2 or 3 dark buttons and collar at the neck. Shirts must remain tucked in.

Pants – Cotton, full length standard issue pants in khaki with belt loops. Pants must have a front zipper and one button or snap at the waistband. The cuffs should touch the tops of the shoes. No Capri's or high waters.

Skirt – Khaki box or pleated, must be longer than middle finger when arms are relaxed at side.

Shorts - Khaki, must be longer than middle finger when arms are relaxed at side.

i have come up with many ideas in the past and i hav posted questions similar to this but i always have 2 make new ones bcause they keep adding more.

i go to walker mill and u cant even go to class if your shirt isnt tucked in or if you have big jewelry. they walk around with quarters to find out if your earrins are to big.

Students who do not wear the approved clothing will be removed from class.

1st Offense - Phone call to parents*

2nd Offense - In-School Suspension

3rd Offense - In-School suspension and conference with parents

4th Offense - Out-of-School suspension

*Beginning with the 2nd semester (3rd Quarter) all students with no previous violations will skip directly to step 2 with their first offense.

im not coloring my hair or anything crazy like that bcause im in middle school. so PLEASE help me!!!!

10 points to best idea that doesnt get me in trouble :D




  1. whoah that is harsh! >.<

    you can always stand out with an awesome

    backpack and messenger bag, :]

    and they never said you couldn't where bows right?

    there are many bows out there ^-^

    and where converse and flats with knee high socks along with

    a skirt.

    mix and match the items with pants also ^-^

    mainly just change around the uniform

    change and be unique with:


    -small earings and necklaces ooo and watches



    hope i helped ^-^!

  2. erm i dont know if this could work but could you change the buttons on your shirt for like glittery ones or something?

    good luck!  



  4. this must really suck i have school uniform not that strict wait one sec ill make u an out fit;...

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