
Help me name my new kitten?

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He's only 6 weeks old and completely gray.

I need help with names.

Also, I've only had female cats, do males act any different?




  1. simba!


    like the lion king great movie let me tell yu i cried the first time i saw the sad part :'(

  2. 1.Smokey


    I don't know, maybe you can name them after the names of the cats in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.

    Like, Graystripe, Graypaw, Whitewing, Ravenpaw, Lionpaw, Breezepaw, Hollypaw. . .

    I don't know, just something that ran across my mind. :)

  3. Calypso would be cute!  Or Prince Caspian!

    Not sure, I've only had female cats too.

  4. Wow everyone said smokey, funny b/c my cat's all grey with a stripped gray tail and of course I named him smokey but I call him Mo......You could just name him grey?

    Boy cat's like to spray so make sure you get him fixed!!

  5. Apollo


  6. Name him Moose or Mr. Sophie! Those are both of my guy cats names, and I find those names so hilarious, and you can make easy baby nicknames with them :D

    -male cats are usually more shy and territorial  than female, but when treated right more cuddly, AND EXTREMELY PLAYFUL from my expierience at least; I have 3 female and 2 male cats

  7. I always thought Kizmet was a cool cat name.

  8. ♥fluffykins♥

  9. How about Bullit or Gunner?  Both are matcho and silvery gray and easy to say.

  10. A name that I would try is Shadow or Andrew.

    And I am pretty sure they don't act any different.

  11. name him graystripe, and since you have girl cats also you should get him fixed, boy cats tend to be more cuddly and don't have to get used to people (usually)

  12. "Fuzzyhead", Males are not as kind!

  13. I had an all gray kitten, I named him ashes.

  14. misty, punky, shadow

  15. you can either do an obvious name smoky, coal, ash, shadow or cinder

    or you can do a fun name like mouschi [pronounced moo-shee], satchmo, gilmore, tex, or angus

    or you can do a name that means something

    like beau which means handsome

    or hardy which means strong.

    go to and they have some really good names there.

    hope this helps!

  16. Smokey would be sick

    or Sky...

    I like both.

  17. I think the one of the best names for a cat is gussy! You could also chose wiskers!

  18. Mister Pussface.

  19. Mo Mo

    Umm, depends if he is an indoor cat or an indoor/outdoor cat.  You will definately need to get him fixed if it is the latter, cuz he will go off for periods of time.  Plus he will stink up the outside.  Umm...My male cat is tempermental, but I think it is just him.  Because your cat is a solid cat, he will probably be lovably, compared to a tabby which are normally I love you, then don't pet me.

  20. Shadow, Smokey, idk anything you want!!!

  21. Smokey, Like my cat!

    EDIT: Or Chairman Mow/Meow, like the chinese dictator.

  22. I had a cat once and it was a boy

    my friend had a girl

    and her cat was a little more gentle

    then my boy cat.

    OH! and boy cats like to play more!

    I think human names for animals are great,

    I'd pick Gunther or Mikey. :D

  23. How about Smokey, Bluey or Misty? When neutered males are very loving even more so than the females you may notice, they are more easy going & manageable too, enjoy your new companion. X

  24. Fat boy




    Kit Cat



  25. I go with the attitude of the cat.  One of my cats was a really BAD kitten, so after a couple of weeks, his name was Diablo(devil in spanish).  I think males are different, but it is hard to really say why.  Lou-my girl cat- is very prissy and lovey.  Diablo is a player/fighter but he loves to cuddle, too.  They are great.

  26. shadow


    mr. mist



    As to behavior of males and females, there are subtle differences - I actually prefer neutered male cats to neutered female cats.  Non-neutered males are a huge pain, so be sure to get him neutered as soon as it's safe.  I can't explain how they are different, but my two favorite cats ever (I've had quite a few cats) were males.  One I got as a kitten at 10 days old (long story, he was dying) the other I got when he was about 7 years old, a stray tomcat from the harbor who I immediately had neutered - he had gone feral and I had to rehab him...  Both ended up being super companions, very loving and attentive.

  27. Slater












  28. "Moses". I dont know why, but it was the first name that popped up. Yes, boys are very different from females. Make sure they get spayed as soon as they can! TRUST ME

  29. He might spray so it'd be in your best to get him neutered. I would keep him for about a week before you name him and see him personality, sometimes that can really help.

  30. Jimmy




    Tom (my old cats name)

    And they are a bit more confident and claim their territory more. They also tend not to really sit on your lap...but maybe thats just mine.

  31. name it SLAYER!!!!! You have to scream his name everytime you call him.

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