
Help! me on writing a alliteration poem please!?

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i have a huge poem book due 2morow and i need help on a alliteration poem!

any ideas?





  1. Anne and Andy allowed arnold an apple

    As Arnold ate the apple an alligator appeared and ate it.

    Arnold was angry and anne and andy allowed Arnold Applesauce

    As Arnold ate the applesauce, an ape anxiously attacked him.

    And all Arnold ate was ants.

    Haha it doesn't really make since but i made it up.

    Best answer?

  2. my ideas:

    don't procrastinate!

    do your own homework

  3. emily dickinson didn't delay

    she wrote and wrote her rote poems all day

    Daring Dennis did disdain

    and Charming Charity chanted

    while chained in chains

    Positive procrastinators are poignantly pegged

    so parade your pain past the palace of losers

    who reluctantly remain

  4. Alliteration is words that start with the same letter such as:

    Minimum is 3.

    The flying fish flew through the air.

    Well, for me, im a 8th grader and i did a alliteration poem for my teach, make random stuff up, as i did.

    Do a poem about a fire like:

    The fire freely fizzled through the open air

    Then the flames flew freely to the house.

    etc u get the idea,

    Make me best answer plz

  5. Any idea what you want it to be about?

  6. Well, just make up something starting with the smae letters, like, Cunningly creeping, a spectral stalker


    He had often haunted Henrey's house

  7. here are some examples:

    Betty Botter had some Butter

    But she said, this batters bitter

    If I bake this bitter butter

    it would make my batter bitter

    but if i had some better butter

    that would make my batter better.

    Tom told Trevor to try Terry's tarts

    Trevor told Tom to taste them too

    Trying to taste Terry's tarts topped telling

    Twice times telling took tasting to try

    Tell ten triers to taste Terry's tarts



    remember an alliteration poem is a humorous, whimsical form of poetry. The main words in each line will begin with the letter you choose.


    here are some links to help you:


    And this one is a vocabulary of alliterative words.

    idk...this might help too


    oh, and i found instructions on a poem i had to writ all the way in 6th :

    Line 1 Introduce the critter

    Line 2 Where the critter lives

    Line 3 What the critter likes

    Line 4 What the critter dislikes

    Line 5 What the critter does to me

  8. I teach 8th grade English.  I don't want to do the thinking for you, but here are a few topic ideas, and then you, of course, would need to write the poem:  a season, life-lessons, a fun day in your life, love, family relationships, your likes.

    When writing an alliteration poem, think of a sound that matches the topic.  For example if you are writing about love and currently love is going poorly for you, use harsh sounds and repeat those harsh cacophonous sounds.  

    I know this probably didn't help you, but I don't want to do your homework for you, so there are some ideas.   If you want to email me any specific questions, I am online and you can access my email, and I will gladly respond.  

    So feel free to email me your rough draft, and I will critique it and help you so your teacher enjoys it.

  9. Tyger, tyger burning bright,

    In the forest of the night;

    What immortal hand or eye

    Could name thy fearful symmetry?

    In what distant deeps or skies

    Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

    On what wings dare he aspire?

    What the hand dare seize the fire?

    And what shoulder & what the art

    Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

    And when thy heart began to beat

    What dread and? & what dread feet?at

    Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

    When the stars threw down their spears

    And water'd heaven with their tears,

    Did he smile his work to see?

    Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

    Tyger, Tyger burning bright,

    In the forests of the night;

    What immortal hand or eye

    Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

    This is just an example.

  10. Emily is envious of everybody who exhibited excruciating effort to earn exemplary grades in elementary poetry.

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