
Help me out. Saying sorry isn't my strong point?

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Call it pride, call it stubborness or call it stupidity, but I'm never very good at making amends.

I forged a strong friendship with someone and then let him down, at a time when he probably really needed me.

My only real excuse is that my mind has been elsewhere, I've been busy at work and at home.

How can I show him I'm sorry for not being around?




  1. Depends on the situation. I could think of a few situations where if my supposedly great friend let me down, I would find it very hard to forgive him. In time, I would probably be his buddy again but I wouldn't rely on him. (Or it would take a lot of time for me to trust again.)

    That was the worst case scenario. Hopefully, you can apologize, and find a way to make it up to him. But it might take awhile to repair any damage, trust is a hard thing to lose and get back. You'll have to understand too if he rebuffs you at first, give him some space and just be nice. help!  

  2. Just tell him that. Be real, that's all it takes.

  3. Just get naked and let him do you.He'll feel better and so will you.

  4. You can't show him, you have to tell him. Tell him what you just told us. It's sincere, that should be enough. HUGS

  5. Use the one that always works well:

    1. Say you're sorry.

    2. Ask him to forgive you.

    3. Ask him how to make it up about it.

    Don't forget the third one. Guys always chickened out after the second one.

  6. Drink a bottle of beer or a cocktail so you will gain abit more confidence , go up to your friend and say your sorry and if he's g*y then give him a nice long kiss after you say sorry .

    Or like this " I dont know how to say this but saying sorry isnt my strong point , so sorry " then kiss him

  7. swallow your pride and tell them you're sorry. sometimes people just really need to hear it.

    then you have to be prepared for the fact that they might not want to forgive you right away - so you better hang in for the long haul. prove that you can be dependable again. it will probably be a slow process to gain their trust back...

  8. easy just start to hang out with him more

  9. Sometimes all you can do is just admit it (to him, not us) and hope that things work out for the best.  Letting him know that you really care about him is what matters.

    Hang out with him more, do things he likes to do even if they aren't necessarily your favorite things, and the like.  Just be there for him from now on.

    You don't need to give him ALL of your free time, but just be there for/with him now and in the future.

  10. swallow your pride and tell him what you just said. good luck

  11. Keep your self quite for some days. Give him or her some Present as our Holy Prophet said "Give Gifts to each others, as it removes the internal hard feelings (between u)"

    Say sorry to him or her. after giving the present or gift.

  12. Communication is the most important part of any relationship, so drop the macho stupidity and call or physically go to him and say you're sorry for not being there.  Then let him decide if he wants to accept your apology and maintain the friendship.  Don't dither, just do it.

  13. i lost contact with a friend or a long time and loads of c**p went on in that time! i felt really bad for not keeping in touch but if i had kown i would of been there, if you knew he needed you you would of too! - first of all forgive yourself and go out of your way to show them you are there for them still e.g go round there house, make them dinner and just chill with a film you both loved and there favoruite food their own home makes them feel more special than inviting them over! it shows you can make time to be in thier lives- not for them to be in yours! cheesy but sorta true!

  14. You can try saying it in a card.

    Sometimes writing it down is easier than saying to the person's face and you can get all your thoughts down without worrying about what to say.

    If you're having trouble saying it, just write exactly what you wrote above which is basically that you're sorry for not being there when he needed you, but now you understand and you promise to be there for him in the future.

    Good luck, Sweetie, at least you've realized that you made a mistake and that's the first step toward making it right. =)  

  15. Hallmark seems to make a card for everything.. LOL Maybe you can find something appropriate if you can't find the words yourself? Along with a little gift; favorite cologne or food... something that shows you care. Nothing big, could be seen as a bribe. XD

    Invite him on an outing or set a certain day aside each week for just you two to go out or hang out?

    Of course, most times, a sincere "I'm sorry" goes a long way too. :) Don't promise anything, but be sincere when you apologize.  

  16. Maybe you can treat your friend a meal and then tell him if he ever encounter any problem in future you wish that he will share it with you again and you will definitely help to solve the problem for him.

  17. Show him your true affection for your friendship and give him a big bear hug. While you're doing that, tell him you're sorry you weren't there for him. And then tell him you love him. Say, "I love you man!"

    Hey, it works for me. And making amends for being an as*hole doesn't come easy for me either. Mostly for the guilt I feel for being an a** when I am, and that's not an easy feeling.

  18. "Saying sorry isn't my strong point" is just a big cop out. You let your friend down, and the kindest, most sincere way to remedy this is own up, apologize, express your willingness to behave differently in the future and get on with life. Be a grown up and keep your friend.

  19. Sometimes just admitting that you're sorry is good enough- if he's a real friend he'll accept your apology with open arms. He'd be a total fool if he didn't realise that you're only human and every human makes mistakes- h**l, he's probably made mistakes lately too and understands what you're going through.

    Good luck, hope he forgives you,

    Simon :) .

    PS, maybe he'd appreciate an iPhone ;) .

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