
Help me out here. . . PLEASE? :-) ?

by  |  earlier

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Just to let yous know who answered my jumping question on jumping bigger follow the link to see it if you want -;_ylt=Ag_pIe0E9fuHzATc3Mj6laPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080730114349AA2YZmu

(Its called - Jumping problems, PLEASE READ!?)

I jumped 3ft 3 the other day upright/straight and a 3ft spread!! Yey :-) ( WITH EASE, NEVER HITTING A POLE OR JUMP DOWN :-D )

Now anyway my question now! :-), -

My mare ducks out at last minute unless she is in between my hand and leg aids completely, this only happens over bigger fences, she likes to be completely sure shes jumping the i understand that. Just when it does i apparently (i never realize, who does? lol) focus on the top rail of the fence and i don't use my legs at all,of course resulting in a duck out. :-(

The yard manager and her daughter and my loan horses owner all know this and say i do it. So unless one of them is constantly shouting out "LEGS, LEGS, LEGS" i don't, i cant, i forget to use my question is

1) Any good exercises to get my horse between my hand and leg aids creating impulsion needed

2) How to make myself you my legs into bigger fences (2ft 3 up)

3) Oh and also to keep my elbows bent - that's my fault in my position...

Many thanks in advance and best answer will be chosen!!




  1. My goodness, you asked a good question, answered it, I don't know what you are looking for other than a string around your finger reminding you to do what you already know you need to do.  You have to learn that leg, feet, seat and hand aids are all equally important and that you cannot let down on any of already know that, so I don't know what you are looking for..after ducking off a few times or your horse not keeping his mind on his business, you will get it!  It will become a part of your riding and you won't have to even think about it...

  2. Practice over littler ones and reward! (NOT by petting or patting, by giveing loose rein otherwise she will get to used to attention)

    As far as excerices, good old flat work is perfect!

    Squeeze at fences for extra support of going over jump. And dont lay on neck sit more tall and back than slouched and down.

    Keeping elbows bent is NOT RIGHT!!!!!!! If you keep your elbows bent the horse will try to go over the jump but get pulled by the reins stopping the momentum. When in 2 point put your reins forward so they have room to jump and can well....MOVE!!! LOL.

    Move with the horse!!!

    Hope I helped and Good Luck jumping!!! HANDS FORWARD!!! :)

  3. Be sure you are not leaning into your forward seat too early.This gives the horse her head and she simply decides YOU are not steering so she will go over ...there.

    I'd get you off the height jumps and work you on 2' combinations with cones to tell you when to lean into your forward seat and ask for the jump.  

  4. Ducking out is not an impulsion problem. It is a steering problem. What you need to do is use your reins and legs to make a railroad track for your horse. She must follow the railroad track and must not deviate from it. You already know that you need to use more leg. You just need to practice it so that if becomes a habit. If she ducks out, you must correct her immediately by turning her back to the fence. For example, if she ducks out right, back up if you have to, move her to the left to get lined up on the fence again, and then take the fence. Keep her facing toward the fence and get her back on the track to the fence as quickly as you can. She must learn that the only way out is over the jump. This will teach her to be completely sure she is jumping the fence. Do not circle around to the right. Doing so will be reinforcing what she has done not discourage it.

    You can yell at yourself "legs legs legs." Seriously. Count out the strides to the fence, but instead of "3, 2, 1" say "legs, legs, legs." You will remind yourself to use them.  

  5. think 'dressage over the fences'

    Just focus. Remember legs and elbow, repeat that in your mind.

  6. You just have to keep telling yourself that when your riding. When you duck out enough/fall off you'll definatly get it then. To like build up impulse have you ever tried gymnastics? You start with 3 or 4 trot poles into bounce fence, then a larger one stride fence at the end. You can build that up or build it down as you like or add more.

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