
Help me out here????

by Guest58326  |  earlier

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why does a man have equal resonsibility when dealing with raising and paying for children but not get equal rights?

basically when a women is pregnant the man doesnt get a say because every women says its all about the women

yet as soon as the child is born it suddenly becomes 50/50 responsibility and the women say....its equally yours aswell or it takes two to tango..

why do they never say that when it comes to abortion

women say men should have a chocie because putting a women through 9 months just so you can have the baby is unfair...well what about the women that put men through 18 YEARS of financial pain so they can have it...does that sound fair?




  1. The answer is simple. All of feminism is a fraud.

    See the blog:

  2. If you are equal and you both vote on having an abortion, then a 1-1 tie would not settle anything, either! If the baby has a say then I think it would always want to live, wouldn't you?

    Don't get women pregnant if you don't want to raise a baby.

    For the sake of the baby the government should ban divorce and force the parents to live together in peace by force if needed. (Video cameras, microphones and whippings for the guilty party).

  3. You forget that the woman is ALSO going through financial pain.  That she too is dedicating her life to her child and has to pay and work for that child.  Not to mention that if the father gets the child, she has to pay the lions share of the child support as well.

    As far as pregnancy-- that was natures choice.  If men could give birth, the tables would be reversed but the same. What do you propose?  A forced abortion (which could feel like murder to the mother)?  A forced pregnancy (which can do terribly things to the mother physically/emotionally/mentally if she doesn't want the child)?  There is no right answer here.  There is no fair choice.  I agree that the mother should have to tell the father--either way--so that he is not surprised.  However, beyond that, forcing her either way is cruel and unusual punishment.

  4. "If men got pregnant abortion would be a holy sacrament!"

    Timmy, if you don't want to impregnate a woman have a vasectomy.  How far along is your latest act of negligence?

  5. If BOTH partners were RESPONSIBLE to begin with and used precautions then there wouldn't BE a pregnancy....therefore there would be no need for these questions.

  6. a very good question, lets see what they have to say =]

    lol you shouls well be in FATHERS FOR JUSTICE! haha

  7. Men should not get the same say as women in terms of abortion because the baby is in her body! That just wouldn't be fair.

    Edit: Ofcourse your opinions count. If I was in that situation I would be looking for all kinds of opinions. You would definetly be heard.

    As far as divorce goes, the judge is the one who has say in who gets who's money. So all I can say to that is get a good lawyer.

  8. well what "legal" solution do you propose?  Many have stated this issue, yet no one has a workable solution.

    However, should a mans "fatherhood" be limited to only paying child support.  He is hardly putting in 50% of the funds, let alone time.  Average child support in the US is 300.00, average child care cost is 400.00 plus food clothes toys medical dental school supplies college ect.

    So it's not really 50/50 more 20%.

    Should note I'm not for this, just stating how it is....think fathers should have more rights, responsibilities and time with there children. Let them be fathers not cash.

  9. Men do have rights when it comes to children; granted it hasn't always been that way and think it still has a way to go. Abortion is a tough decision, even if both parties discuss the options and agree.

    Women are more emotional than men and being pregnant has a moral and psychological effect, as well as the physical aspect (hormones, etc which doesn't happen to men).

    Raising a child should be 50/50 in an ideal world, but this isn't an ideal world is it? I speak from personal experience.

    If you definitely don't want any part a child's life, they're probably better off w/out you. Sign away your parental rights; check the laws in your state.  
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