
Help me out people! What do you think of what's been happening with me and my guy friend?

by  |  earlier

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For the past week the guy I like (who's a friend) and I have seen each other at school everyday...and we don't have classes together this semester and go to COLLEGE (and for those who know, college campuses are huge and everyone's on a different schedule so it's impossible to see someone from another class/semester). He's always been the one to initiate a hi (and says my name) since he sees me first. I tell him hi back and we've made small talk a few times. Strange because I haven't seen any of the students from our class last semester, just him.

Now, is this coincidence or something else?

Side note: He did ask me over myspace a few days before school what classes I was taking, but he didn't know the times that I started and ended them.




  1. Me thinks it is ordained by the gods that you meet ! Blessed are thou!

  2. might have been a coincidence the first day, but now that he knows where you are at he wants to talk to ya. If you really like him and want to get to know him, you should suggest that the two of you hang out sometime. maybe you two could eat lunch on campus or go to starbucks or something. or maybe you can try and take another class with him next quarter and study together. maybe your classes are on his route, or maybe he likes you and is trying to get up the courage to ask you out. so, maybe you could initiate the date or just hang out with him so you can get to know him better. good luck !!!!

  3. I think it's interesting what has been happening between you two. I think next time you see him you should ask him out as you like him and he is showing some interest in you.  

  4. he mite b havin a crush on u or hes jst trying to b frndly

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