
Help me out what i need is some real advice from women that have been through this and what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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hello ladies i am from africa and i am married to a man that is living in the states i just recently found out that he has gotten married to a woman and he tells me that he will send for me when he can but the thing that bothers me is why did he go and get a wife and i feel like he is in love with this woman because she is around him alot they don't live together yet but i know they have plans to live together he don't have a green card yet i thought i have a right to him and how can they let him get married and not find out about his marriage to me what can i do if he does send for me how long do i have to wait for me and my child to get over there he just got married a few weeks ago so where does that leave me i feel like i am losing my husband to this other woman he says i am not but how can you spend time with some one and i know he is probably having s*x with her and not have feelings for them the more you are around them you do end up falling for them help me out please hurt




  1. Your husband has committed a felony in the US.   What he is doing is committing bigamy so that he can apply for a green card.  What he isn't aware of is that a green card obtained in this manner can and will be revoked.  He will probably do some prison time and then be deported.

    If you want him home sooner, contact the new "wife" and let her know that he is married in his country.  She will see that he is returned to you in very short order.  Then you can live happily ever after.


    You can call ICE directly and give them as much information as you have -- including information proving that he is already married.  To report any suspicious activity please call 1-866-347-2423. Emailed reports of suspicious activity or "tips" are not accepted at this time.  (You will have to use an international code.)

    If this doesn't work, contact the US embassy and ask for help.

    The US recognizes all legal marriages outside of the US.

  2. You will ultimately need a lawyer. In the meantime, I would contact the courthouse in the state he got married in and inform them that his marriage is NOT legal because he is married to you. Further inform them that you have proof that you can send them that he is married to you (such as a certified copy of your marriage license). He would need to provide them with proof that he is divorced from you in order for his marriage to be legal to you. If he can not prove it, his marriage can be anulled.

    It is much easier to do all this with a lawyer, but possible to do it on your own. In the meantime, I wouldn't wait for any man to send for me. If he was able to find a way to this country, you can do the same, girl! Empower yourself! Don't let some slime walk all over you. And, yes, he IS slime if he is marrying another woman while still married to you. Why did he marry her? If for the green card, that is a pretty sorry reason! There are OTHER ways for the two of you to have come to the states together AND stay together.

  3. Hon, sorry not to sound mean just being honest but he probably won't send for you especially since you just said he doesn't want to give you the information. I would make a copy of your marriage license and contact a lawyer so they can notify someone in the states of his multiple marriages.

  4. My guess is he married the woman for a green card. Turn him in to immigration and then forget about the loser

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