
Help me out with my weird dream about my crush and I?

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Well first of all, in my dream my bff, my crush, me, and other people are in a camp in this dream. So my crush is talking to my bff and I am walking in front of them and then I turn around and smile and he walks up to me and starts talking to me. So we all sit down on this bench and he starts putting brown and green leaves on my fingernails. I am like, what the heck?! So I ask him where he got the leaves and he tells me. Then he starts playing with my fingers and then he tells me what he is doing this summer. Then my sister woke me up. What did that dream mean?




  1. well i would say your just having the usual crush dream but it is weird that you saw your best friend there with you that means she steps into your life to much. but any ways the finger touching is how you feel the chemistry between you two is amazing usually you would hear about the massaging of the shoulders or playing with the hair if single you should really go after him the connection is not only on your side but his as well the colors brown and green means smart and growth good luck!!

  2. maybe you should go camping this summer with your crush.

  3. lol thats an interesting dream!!!!!! i agree with the queen of answers. your probably just looking forward to fall, so you can see that boy that you havent seen since school was out.


  4. Since the leaves are brown and green, it seems the time frame is late September/ October.  

    Yet he tells you like he's still doing his summer activities.

    So my best guess, is you go to school with this boy. Youre subconsioulsy wishing time would move on, to autumn. Then, you can see him more and maybe sit and talk to him.

    Its interesting that you were walking ahead of the other kids ( in time?) and had to look back at them ( still in the present summer time)  

    The finger touching...wishful thinking.


  5. i agree with queen of answers and crazy_penguinlover also!!!

    i think you are wishing it was fall so you can go to school and see/ hopefully talk to your crush some more!

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