
Help me pick a destination.....?

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Me and my soon to be husband will be going to Brazil for our honeymoon in may. We will have time to visit 2 cities, one Rio of course. Were having a hard time deciding which other one we should go see, it's between Iguazu Falls, or Salvador de Bahia. Can you help us with some guidance. Also if we go to Iguazu how hard/far is if for us to go to the Argentina side??? Thanks.




  1. What do you want to do? Brazil offers pretty much everything except winter sports. You should first decide what you want to do and only then decide where to go.

    Brazil is a big country, bigger than the continental US, so I usually suggest that people limit themselves to a single region. Less time in airports and planes. More time having fun. So if you're set on Rio, think about a side trip to Paraty and/or Minas Gerais. If you want Iguaçu Falls, think about hitting the beaches in Santa Catarina instead of Rio. If Salvador strikes you as the coolest destination, choose another place to visit in the Northeast.

  2. If you like nature go to the falls.  They are fantastic.  It is easy to get to the Argentinian side, but tou need to hire a cab and driver for the whole day.  It is not expensive.

    Salvador is very interesting, if you prefer history and cities!

    Good luck, either one will not disppoint you.

    Seb Marquet

  3. i agree.. Iguacu is nice..   and its not difficult to visit Argentinas side .. you just need your passport with you.  .. I saw both sides in 1 day.  We spend 5 hours at the falls..    if you vist..  you will need no more then 2 days..

    ... if you want to truly and fully experience Brazil .. i highly recommend visiting Salvador..  the heart of Brazil .. and where it all started.   Salvador is romantic as well.  Salvador is Very peaceful .. calming .. and like paradise... unlike Rio which is great for the night life.   There are great tours and shows in Salvdor ..  

    If you go you must  see a Capoeira show (a martial art) and eat at a Churrasqueira ..(barbecue)  they are world famous for it.   if you dont visit Salvador.. you can do those things in Rio  

    you really cant go wrong with either cities.. they are all beautful places.

    Boa Sorte

    *oh yea..   look into ..  so far i have found they have the cheapest international flights.   you have to wait for the whole page to load tho ..  you can view the process in the upper left hand side...

  4. Iguazu Falls is the best! I've been there 2 many times! It's the most romantic place ever!

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