
Help me pleaaaase!?

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Ok so I live in California and for over a week there has been a HUGE moth on my porch. I mean this thing looks like a miniature rat with wings. and it's like nothing i've ever seen before.

it hasnt moved AT ALL within the past week. I mean at all. not one inch.

but then i walked outside this morning and it was FINALLY gone, but where it had been staying there was a dark red trail on he wall. it almost looks like blood.

was this even a moth? what was it doing there for an entire week? and what the heck is that trail of red stuff!?




  1. What colour was it? Are you sure it wasn't a baby bat ;).

    The person above, something about atlas moth, something you should know, they sometimes vary in colour, some are blacker than others. It could've been that.

    I think it would be safe to assume that maybe he was injured and died? And perhaps an animal, bird or other predator found it, and ate him?

    Sometimes it could've just been the dusty red that was on their wings?

  2. Maybe it was a Male Luna Moth. It's the largest Moth in North America, they're are different varieties.  The atlas moth is not in North America.  The male Luna Moth is born without a mouth and has to mate quickly before it dies.  The moth you saw was probably dead or dying.  

    As for the dark red trail, it is hard to tell.  It could be blood from a bat, or bird bumping into the wall when it grabbed its remains.

  3. The largest moth in existance is the Atlas moth, it has a very recognisable wing shape and each wing is about the size of your hand.

    Is this what was on your porch?
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