
Help me please (best gets 10 points)?

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i might be hold a garage sale(yard,garage sale whatever you call them)i need alot of tips and ideas.

best answer gets 10 points





  1. 1.Get up early. Make signs if you can. Be shure to put them at stops signs, corners, etc. Places ppl can easily spot them.

    2. When pricing your items, over price items by about 2 or 3 dollars. Maybe not even that many. If your selling something like a bike, then over price it about 20 dollars b/c ppl will try to cut you down even if you were selling it without that 20 dollars added.

    3.Make shure your organized with money as well and be kind to you customers. You will be surprised how much they will want to talk.

    4. Make shure you know what your selling. If you just know its something your great grandma gave you, then they may try to rip you off... make shure you know its true value b4 you get rid of it.

    5. Clear your schedule, and make shure none of the stuff your selling is broken, if it is then label it so. (or you could try to get lucky and sell it w/o telling em.. iv done it b4)

    6. one last thing.. if there is any kind of place near where you live where you can get baby items for real cheap.. do it.. theres this place near where i live and my grandpa went and could load the back of his truck up with baby stuff for about 10 dollars. he would clean/sell all of it for about 400 a garage sale.

    Hope this helps ya!!

  2. Garage sale shopping is a popular and usually eco-friendly pastime. Garage sales extend the useful lives of goods and keep unwanted items out of dumps and landfills. Hosting one rewards the host with a decluttered home and cash. However, they take a great deal of work to operate. In order to ensure the highest return for effort, it is necessary to advertise ahead of time.

    Advertise the Usual Way

    Step 1:

    Select a date and a rain date. Advertise virally by telling friends, family and acquaintances about the sale.

    Step 2:

    Contact the local newspaper’s classified ad department. Find out about placement deadlines, fees and cancellation procedures.

    Step 3:

    Write the ad. Include relevant information such as: date(s), time(s) and address. Include special directions for getting there and parking, if appropriate. Also include a brief listing of items with the biggest appeal to garage salers.

    Step 4:

    Place the ad with the newspaper and pay the fees. Watch for the ad and let the paper know if there were any errors.

    Step 5:

    Make large signs from poster board and markers. Use large print and clear arrows to direct potential customers. Set these up in a small perimeter around the sale.

    Advertise in Non-Traditional Outlets

    Step 1:

    Write an ad to be placed on the local Craigslist site. Title the ad to include the city (or neighborhood) and date of the sale. Inside the ad, list key sellers like electronics, baby clothes and toys. Be sure to include directions from major roadways and any necessary parking information. Post the ad one or two days before the sale begins.

    Step 2:

    Design paper ads to be placed in neighborhood locations. Use color, graphics and a list of key sellers to generate attention. These can be made on the computer and printed out on standard paper or a heavier weight cardstock. One half of the sheet should be plenty.

    Step 3:

    Get permission and tack up the ads wherever it is allowed. Check with the managers of local grocery stores, recreation districts, Laundromats, drugstores, etc.

  3. Well you could divide it. one section 5 dollars....another section 20-40 dollars....another 100 and above..and so on and so forth.... you could put up signs around our neighbor to let people noe that you are havin a yard yale!

  4. Tip 1. Be organised dont have a pile o junk

    Tip 2. Overprice stuff then when ppl ask about it drop the price.

    Tip3. Make sure da good stuff is in the front.

    Tip 4. Make sure ppl know who u r... greet them

  5. plane and simple you but things out side or in a garage

    and put prices on them

    or just tell people hall mutch you wont for them

  6. If you have any old baby or kid toys you can sell those and maybe a book or two...

    I like garage sales with clothes, Stuffed animals just all sorts of  Junk remember one mans trash is another mans treasure!

    HAVE FUN! :)


  8. im there isnt really a lot of tips

    just give good prices but not to high prices and make sure you give the way the stuff you dont NEED

    like maybe a lamp or other stuff that othe rpeopel dont have,basically from my opinin a garage sale is helping people get stuff that they cant affordd

    good for you

    pick me asss best answerr please


  9. Well, I'd use posters and signage of course.  That's the easiest way of dragging attention.  I'd also suggest perks, like if you've got something that is linked to another item, give someone a good deal.  For example;

    Electric Tie Rack:  25 dollars

    Tie Rack Motor: 15 dollars

    Buy them both: 30 dollars

    Hope that helps.

  10. Time. :) Schedule the garage sale where people in your neighborhood/city walk around. Possibly at 11 am on a Saturday? Or 5 pm on a Sunday? If you get people there, you will sell. If you live on a small street, a front-lawn sale would be great, because people can see it. Make nice signs. Not tacky ones. :) Make it proffesional like and have everything clean so people don't think they are buying dirty stuff. Appearance and time is all. :D Good luck and have fun! Smile.

  11. there are many things to help you have a good sale:

    -advertise on craigslist and in your local paper that you are having a sale

    - make BIG signs and put them up early in the morning directing people to your yard...attach balloons

    - consider a multi-family sale..they get more visitors....see if your neighbors are wanting to have a sale at the same time

    - dont be 'cheap'..let stuff go for low will sell more and have more fun

    - you will need LOTS of tables for small stuff...consider hanging stuff too (a rope between two trees is great for clothes on hangers)

    - if you have lots of little junky toys, bag them up into little themed baggies and sell them for a dollar or two each (this works so well its amazing) value village does

    - make sure you have a least $20 in change

    - think about selling things you may not have considered....houseplants, for example, are very sought after yard sale items

    - have fun! and be prepared to bargain.....after all its better to sell it really cheap than haul it all back inside at the end of the day and not know what to do with it

  12. Before anything, decide on a date.  I find it best if you hold a garage sale if other people in your neighbourhood are doing the same - many, many more people come and it is a lot easier to advertise.  First things first are to obviously decide what you want to sell.  Old things around the house, old gifts that you've never used, clothes, books, CDs...people often come looking for specifics so its better if you have a little of everything.  We once had a guy come around asking for old cameras.  

    I recommend pricing as much as you can before you actually lug your stuff outside.  Either individually price using masking tape or labels, or if you can make signs or boxes (e.g., Books $1, Everything in Box $2 each).That way you will be ready when people ask you how much you want for your things.  Also decide how low you are willing to go, because people love to haggle and try to get bargains.  Don't price too high - you might have gotten your couch for $1000 ten years ago, but I promise you people won't be paying $500 for it no matter what kind of condition its in.  People are coming for bargains and won't be afraid to walk away.  It's a way to get rid of your old junk while making a little money back, but nowhere near getting back what you paid for.

    As for what you'll need, it depends on what you're selling and how much space you have.  If you plan on selling on your front lawn or driveway, I have found that cheap metal clothes racks (from places like Home Depot) are perfect for hanging up clothes.  Also, folding card tables work really well.  If you're selling big pieces of furniture, these also work well to set up your knick-knacks on.

    Finally, get up early to get ready.  People will come as you are setting up to find specific things or get the best things.

    At the end of the day, you can either take what you didn't sell back inside, give away things for free, or donate it to Goodwill or Salvation Army type things.  

    Good luck!

  13. the first answer is the best answer.

  14. If you are not using it sell it!!!

  15. Well just make sure u have good ads and clear directions...that ussually works the best. Also have prices on all ur items and never refuse a good offer. :)

  16. tell friends and family  and neighbors to tell people. word of mouth is one of the best results for things.  put up signs. good luck!

  17. go cheap. Don't try to get top price for the stuff your trying to sell because if your trying to turn a big profit your going to be there all day.

    Don't put items you dont want to sell for sell. i know this sounds kind of obvious, but if you still like your '93 cubs baseball hat, keep it.  

    If your having a yard sale go all out don't just have an old pair of shoes and a bike on your lawn put all your junk out there.(except for the stuff you want)

    Be nice. Treat the customers nice and they'll buy stuff.

    Have all the prices clearly marked. People like to rip off other people and are likely to rip off you.

    Go out and buy an actual "yard sale" sign. Don't get a piece of paper or cardboard and scribble "yard sale" on it.

    Make it easy for people to find your house. Put an address on the sign.

    Don't act like your stuff is precious treasures and be offended when somebody offers you a lower price than whats on it. i know you think that paper weight with elvis riding a shark is pretty awesome and worth $20 but not everyone else does.

    I think thats about it.

  18. be very organized (mark prices clearly, make sure your items are clean) , advertise around your town (newspaper, fliers, signs at major intersections) , and be very involved when people come to your sale (talk to them, ask them what they are looking for, try to sell them on items, let them know prices are negotiable).

    good luck ! i made $250 last year selling my junk !

  19. Sell alot of things

    Don't sell unuseful stuff

    Don't over price

    Don't under price

    Sell rare things( if u don't need them)

    That's basicly it...

    Oh yea and HAVE FUN

    Hope I could help!!!!!!

  20. remember to make some signesand put them up around your neighbourhood so people actaully know about it and then come! also, don't make your prices to high and be ready to negotiate prices with people.

    good luck!

  21. my advice is to sell your pc so you cant give us stupid questions anymore

  22. make bargain prices, nothing really should be over $10 unless its brand new and worth a lot like power tools

    yeah run it from 9-5 for 1-3 days and everything has to be organized

    put out stuff people will buy like phones n speakers and stuff not spray paint and dirt

  23. sell things people would actually buy. make bargain prices that you think are alright. don't be cheaping yourself out or ripping off ppl either.

  24. Make sure your city doesn't require a permit to hold yard sales. (There's some cities that do...crazy I know!).

    Sort stuff like clothes by mens, womens, etc...

    Make sure that you label everything clearly and that you KNOW what it was labeled as in case someone tries to switch tags or something.

    If you live on a slow street that doesn't get a lot of exposure then try hanging up a sign around a nearby busy street.

  25. Post an ad in the local newspaper if you really have a lot of stuff to sell. Put signs up from the closest highway leading to your home. Have it on a'll get much more customers. Everything that you have left over donate to a local thrift store. If you really want to get rid of things mark them with cheap prices unless you're really hoping to get something for them. Anything that you feel is worth something keep close by so that if some one picks it up you can keep an eye on them. Have fun and get some lawn chairs. Keep a radio playing. Music encourages people to buy.

  26. It's a good idea to put an add for it in the newspaper.  A lot of avid garage salers use the newspaper listings as like a plan of where they are going to go in the morning.  Also, price tags are a great idea unless you want to answer a million questions about prices and boxes filled with junk with a certain price on them also make things a bit easier.

  27. do not price things.  Just judge what price you should give it when you tell buyers and haggle sternly or at least seemingly stearnly with them to maximize.  post adds in free classifieds

  28. make signs,post them in and out of your area,put things in order with prices on them go down on price if someone asks be polite and helpful see if you need a permit in your area

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