
Help me please haha really i need help thanks?

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my boyfriend always tells me night night stories when i cant sleep and he said last night if he told me a story i had to tell him one tonight haha but i really suck at making up stories and hes really goo well can you guys give me some ideas for bedtime stories thanks haha




  1. that's cute that he does that!

    but um use something that really happened to you but over exagerate and change names, then it'll just keep making itself up. :]

  2. That is a cute/adorable tradition. How about you tell him one about one of your embarrassing moments but exaggerate thats what I do when my brother asks me to tell him a story. Plus you get a good laugh out of it!

  3. "Thousand and One Nights" would be very appropriate, don't you think?

    "Stories from the Thousand and One Nights", Harvard Classics, Vol. 16 :  

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