
Help me please i need to write an essay on how the government is corrupt and if theres stil monopolies but i?

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don't know anything about htis its due in like 7 hours PLEASE HELP<3 i don't have a prompt because he just said he just wants us to write what we think




  1. Look up the Clinton Presidency and the you will have all you need!   Most of his friends are now in jail and the others are dead!

  2. I consider the large amounts of money that flows to Politicians from large corporations and foreign governments like Saudi Arabia to be a form of corruption.

    We also have isolated bribery scandals where Politicians accept money in return for favorable treatment by regulatory agencies or a particular vote on a piece of legislation.

    With respect to true monopolies the Antitrust Division of the Federal Government does break those up.

    However the government does permit Oligopolies where there are few competitors. That  effectively gives the Olidopolies the price fixing power of monopolies.

    A good example of an Oligopoly that has been in the new lately is the oil industry.

  3. Gee, where do you want to start ?

    You could cover how Tobacco companies sell a legal product yet government got involved to sue due to supposed heath care issues, yet the surgen general&#039;s label has been on the side of cigarettes since the 60&#039;s. And this supposed heath care supplement to states that were suing got the money and didn&#039;t use it much for health care, but used it on the typical budget expenses. How&#039;s that for corruption ? It was a big money grab.

    You could write on how oil companies are being screwed by politics. They too have a product. They make money selling oil and refining it, yet here&#039;s government, Telling them they can&#039;t drill where we have oil. And the whacko eviromental crowd stands in the way as well. Meanwhlie, the reality is, we heard the same objections about the Alaskan pipeline...well, it was built, and the Caribou do&#039;nt care. After hurricane Katrina, there were 100&#039;s of damage oil derricks, but no catastrophic oil spills or enviromental problems. So these concerns are by and large lies from the whacko&#039;s. Activists for these enviro-whacko&#039;s have even admited it isn&#039;t about the polar bear, or spotted owl, but they are trying to stop the drilling and production of oil. So what is an oil company suppose to do with the whacko&#039;s, special interests and government making play&#039;s against them ? After all, they are a company, who&#039;s job it is to produce a product and make money. Why should an oil company bring the price down for citizens if they have no one watching their back and slapping government intervention and interference down ?

    This is what happens when Big Government gets their greedy mits on things. And people want to trust these idiots with healthcare ? They can&#039;t even make their own dining room work. They had to vote on privatizing it to prevent it from losing even more money.

    Oh there&#039;s so many examples of Government interference or corruption.

    The Irs

    The deal wit Emminent Domain

    How about the movement to make marajuana illegal when its one of the least harmful drugs. Many need it for luekemia and cancer related pain and nausia yet they can&#039;t find a way to tax it or make money on it I suppose, so they&#039;d rather force people to use expensive drugs from drug manufacterers.

    What about Foreign aid ?

    The big push to force Ethanol onto the market. Subsidized over a dollar / gallon to compete with gasoline, but ethanol is 30% less powerful, burns up small engines and the recent spiking in food prices world wide as a result of an &quot;unintended consequence&quot; of this stupidity.

    How about how government keeps borrowing out of the Social Security fund, and replacing funds with iou&#039;s ? iou&#039;s do&#039;nt earn interest and now the government owes the baby boomer generation around $55 trillion in benefits.

    How about how congress members can get sued for things and its the taxpayer that has to pay for it ? There&#039;s many ways the government has insulated itself from the voter and American citizens, they have become nothing more than self-interest career politicans

  4. The corruption that exists in the American government spring mostly from the way government officials are elected. Congress, the president and many judges run for office, they accept campaign contributions, the contributors are mostly rich people in corporations. After the elections the contributors seek and often get favors from the elected officials they help elect.

    The contributions are also made to members of congress and the congress members then pass legislation sought by the contributors (represented by lobbyists). Arms sellers are very influential and the more war, the more money they make.

    A prominent source of corruption takes place in the war on drugs. There is so much money made by selling drugs, that officials are often bought with it.

    There are no true monopolies (except from Microsoft, as the court found few years ago.), but there are strong oligopolies (few sellers).

    One of the most pernicious corrupting influences in American society and government is exerted by the corporate media (a few giant corporations who constantly brutalize the people with their constant selection of information, half truths, omissions and distortions)

    This is a summary of course. A good start. the is a good place to look things up.

  5. if you want to write on how the government is corrupt. look up the constitution.

    It gives the IRS the ability to tax corporations but doesn&#039;t give it the right to tax citizens.

    Now IRS is putting people in prison for not paying taxes but there is no constitutional amendment for this,.

    Also when talking with tax attorneys and IRS employees they like to quote the tax code. Notice the word code,

    It is not Law.but they punish you as if it were.

    Some states do have laws on taxes but the feds have none that I or my attorneys are aware of. And we have looked

  6. Try looking into special interest groups and the money they poor into campaigns and capital hill.

    Looking into monopolies, check out unions or oil cartels (they would also link into your corrupt government and the special interest groups).

    Good luck with the paper!

  7. First, the government is not &quot;corrupt&quot; is being exactly what it can because of We the People&#039;s allowance of it achieving power it was never meant to have.

    There&#039;s a saying &quot;If you want to know the character of a man, give him power&quot;.

    We have simply trusted the few to care for the many, which isn&#039;t exactly what happened in process, is it???  But it&#039;s not easy to step out of a comfort zone that the mass majority has gotten itself;s easier to call out to someone in the kitchen to get you a drink rather than get off the couch &amp; get it yourself, right???  But calling out doesn&#039;t necessarily guarantee you are going to get your drink before you dehydrate, nor that you are going to get the iced tea you hoped for--you may get water, and you can&#039;t expect it to have ice in it, either...See???

    If you don&#039;t participate in the things you want out of life...or country, in this can&#039;t expect more than what gets dished out by those that do.

    Sooo, with that in mind, let&#039;s look at logic:

    A family should reflect the strength &amp; participation of the community in which it resides.

    A community should reflect the same of it&#039;s state.

    A state should reflect the same of it&#039;s country.

    What do you see of each reflection???

    Now, look at the government system:

    People in government are allowed to actively attain &amp; acquire corporate interest while in position.  They allow corporate power to grow so their interests grow.  When corporate power is no longer based on the mass&#039; consumerism, but on how that mass can be controlled into buying, it removes great power from the people to have &#039;say&#039; in their matters.

    There is one circle...not what is defined as a &quot;monopoly&quot; but running as one just the same.

    Another:  The Insurance industry...Once a battling barrage of many companies, now a controlling structure that works together requiring people to purchase their products by having federal/state laws to enforce that.  They also have ties into the prices of health care, real estate &amp; home buying, motor vehicle design, and hundreds of other major economic strongholds.  Again, reaping profits like a monopoly, but not under the definition of monopoly.

    Legal loopholes allow &quot;monopolies&quot; to exist because they have created ways to stay out of the legal definition by creating &quot;power circles&quot;...many entities that act as one in controlling the production, sales, &amp; profits of consumer products.

    And again, this not really &quot;corruption&quot; in itself, it&#039;s simply &quot;business opportunity&quot;.  However, in doing business, without considering ethics &amp; integrity of such, it does corrupt the public, which is reflected in higher crime rates, high poverty levels, lower academic success of schools, increases in stress disorders &amp; ill-health, etc...which creates the needed situation for the circle to be complete--masses kept like this are easy to control to the benefit of the few.

    Until the masses get their heads out of their buns, this is American government and Corporate world at it&#039;s grandest and We the People at our lowest, and will continue on that path, probably toward another Revolution, only this time within ourselves.

    Hope that gives you some food for thought.

    Good Journey!!!

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