
Help me please please help me me me heeelllppp!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok i have this lumpy thingy in my v****a .its not sore.theres been no difference in my discharge (but i have a sore lover abdomen a the mo)

i heard that its normal(they said its like the bottom of the ovairie opening or sumthing

please hlp me im scared!!!




  1. You get all sorts of bodily changes when you are growing up, do you have a friend you can talk to,?. you need to tell someone, just so you can have a check-up. It may be thats its normal for you to have this, so dont panic too much.

  2. sounds like it could be something bad but i'm not sure. if you have a mom, older sister, or a friend that's older than you, ask them. i'd see a doctor about it though, better safe than sorry.

  3. Not enough info, Kiddo... But if it's new, and not something you were born with, go to the doctor - you probably should be a little scared!  

  4. Where is it located? Is it a bump near the opening? Or is it a bump further in? If it's a bump further in, and it feels similar to the tip of your nose, than it's your cervix. Your cervix is where the blood from your period comes from, and presumably discharge. If its a bump near the opening it could be a cancerous bump or a weird hymen. If its near the opening see your doctor. A sore lower abdomen is probably just cramps, you can get them up to two weeks until you get your period.

    I learned about this stuff when I learned about menstrual cups. A menstrual cup has to be positioned beneath or in the cervix.

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