
Help me please??????????????

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im grounded for something i didnt do. my mom thinks i was lying when i wasnt. now im grounded for two weeks. what could i say to make her belive me




  1. i know! whenever something goes wrong i always get blamed. The key is to keep a firm and serious face, as sometimes i smile unintentionally and then my mom thinks i did it. But anyway, getting blamed for something you didnt do is wrong. One way to leave her suprised is to type a two page letter saying why you are not guilty. lol

    Or sit down with her and keep showing her reasons why you did not do it

  2. provide details

    like how you got in trouble

    for what

    do you have any idea who did it

  3. If you are having trouble getting her to listen--- you might try writing her a letter.  Sometimes its easier if she can read it (and reread it) without

    you there to blow up at.

    Just make sure you write it giving the truth, any details that will help her understand--- but above all make sure you are polite in your wording and make sure you don't use "whiny" phrases.

  4. Ask her to sit down and talk with you and make it kind of formal.  Explain that you are more than you willing to take the 2 weeks of grounding but that you just want her to know, that in this instance she has made a mistake.  Be real serious.  Like this,  You have grounded me. Fine.. But I just want you to know that I did not do this.  I care more about the fact that you don't believe me than I do about the grounding. I think that we need to come to an understanding that in this instance you (your mother) were wrong.  Please try to be a little more trusting and a little more understanding in the future and I will try to be more honest with you and give you less reason for distrusting me.  But we need to work this out so that you can believe me when we talk.  

    A variation of this should work.  But you have to let her know that the grounding itself is not what is bugging you.  Its the distrust on her part.

    That is what is going to reach her.  

  5. depends on what it was about

  6. Do you have proof that you didn't do it? This would help you and let your mom see that you are telling the truth. Talk to her and negocate with her. Ask what is it that you have to do to get her to believe you.

  7. its difficult without knowing more information. But i would say to try really hard to get evidence.

  8. nagg her to tell y she did so

  9. wht grounding???

    i knw grinding a girl

    but grounding ???

  10. I'd be honest with her.  "Listen, I understand that I'm grounded and that's not going to change.  And I didn't do X, and grounding me isn't going to change that fact either.  So I'm grounded for two weeks, okay... I'll deal with that, whatever... but what does it say about you to ground me for something I didn't do.  You think I'm lying, I know you're wrong.  What does all this say about our relationship?"

  11. Ok... so your grounded for 2 weeks, we kneed more information! like how u got grounded?

    But it doesn't matter. Well i am the oldest of 7... so i obviously get blamed for everything my younger brothers and sisters do. Im use to it now but i still ugree with you, ITS NOT FAIR! you shouldn't get punished if you didn't do anything! I reckon u should just go to her room and talk to her. tell her that you didn't do it! im sureshe'll believe u if u put on a seriouse face and sound like your really telling the truth!


    Have i got the best answer??                :)

  12. this happens to me sometimes, so what i usually do is...i hate to say it, suck up to her. don't give her any attitude, and be sincere. for example, you could say something like, "mom, i'd like to talk to you. i've done some things in the past, and taken my punishment for it, but you grounded me for something i didn't do. i don't think its fair." idk something along those lines. just tell her how you feel. good luck

  13. i agree w/ tay tay

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