
Help me please?..?..........?

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i need some advice. my problem is that i' not reall goos at anything, i'm more a 'varied' person who is OK at lots of things, rather than AMAZING at one thing, i get really jealous watching the olympics etc , and seeing people get rewarded for all their hard work, as a child i always wanted to be an actress, but everyone told me it wasn't a realistic dream.. so i never pursued it, now i'm 16 and i think it's too late. ...i don't even know what i'm asking here! i just need advice to make myself feel better (:




  1. No you are not too old.

    First, do not accept what other people say about your interests.

    Generally, they will say "you can't do that, how do they know, they don't. They say you can't because they can't do it so therefore no one else can. Sick.

    You are lucky you have an interest, so give it a try. Some towns have small theaters where local folks try out for parts in plays.

    If you do not get a part, volunteer to help back stage with props or with some other theater needs. Let the folks get to know you.

    Are you going to college, try to get into a drama class or club. Does you high school have one?

    Pursue your interests, if it is not right for you, let it eliminate its self then you will never be wondering " what if ?"

    This may not be an overnight journey, but undoubtedly will take some time. Wisely share your interests, desires, goals with only positive people, don't let someone burst you bubble or squash that dream.

    Go for It!!!

  2. You've got a whole life ahead of you.  Don't waste your time and energy being jealous or envious of others.  If you were like them then you wouldn't be unique.  I'm 31 and don't know what I want to be when I grow up.  I used to sit and think that I was the only person in the world that doesn't have his sh*t together.  Now I just enjoy my life and am happy that I have what I have and do the best I can with it.

  3. At the risk of sounding cliche, I think you can do anything you set your mind to. If you work hard enough, you will get to where you want to be. And really, if it were so impossible there wouldn't be any famous people, now would there?. It's not unrealistic or impossible. Having said that, you still have to work hard at it, it's not going to just happen. Good luck. :)

  4. its ok dude. I'm that same way, and I'm twenty. you are a jack of all trades and  a master of none. this is a good thing, your versatile and since you are good at alot of things your more valuable then someone that is good at one thing. chin up.  

  5. girl,first of all its never to late and if you enjoy it,i don't see y u shouldn't do it

  6. it all depends wat you wanna do. if u wanna do sumthing put ur mind to it && do it (: all you need is training.

  7. Most of us aren't great at any one thing so don't be so hard on yourself. Be glad that you are ok at lots of things - that's better than being awful at everything! You're only 16 so you have your whole life ahead of you and it's never too late to reach for your dreams.  

  8. U Need Jesus.

  9. It's never too late, you're young and eager so go for it, follow your heart and don't give up. I'm 33 and still studying so there's hope for you!

  10. God ! i thought you was gonna say you were 50 or something!!

    some actors/actresses didn't get there first big break until they were like 40/50 plus-should just do what you want you're still a kid-compared to oldies like me! and its a big wide world out there!!

    p.s. i'm 28 and i still don't know what i wanna do yet!!

  11. Very few people are outstanding at anything and very few people really know what they want to do with their lives at 16! I think you're being incredibly hard on yourself!

    Its certainly not to late to get into acting if that's what you want to do, why not try doing it with an local amateur group and see how you get on?The worst that'll happen is that you'll meet some new people and have fun. If you find you enjoy it, and other people give you good feedback, then you can take it further.

  12. You're 16 and think it's too late!!!  Sweetheart, your life hasn't even started.  If you take care of yourself, you have to the age of 90 to find a talent - if you find it at 89 - who gives a ****???  My counsin became an actor at 24 (5 years in the West End and film work).  Relax - live, look at the people around you - the people who suffer, hurt and really have no option on what life deals them.

    I don't want to tell you my age, but laughter has become my talent and, yes, I do hide behind it, but it works.

    Look further from your front door - once you start observing others (even helping them - take it from me, that really helps), I truly feel you will find the true person that you are!  Don't give up on your dream - my Cousin didn't and he has just been signed by the bigest US drama firm!!!

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