
Help me please.?!? someone anyone..??!?

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kay so I'm laying here in bed and I'm ten weeks pregnant with triplets and I just cant get comfy. me and my boy were laying here but he fell asleep... I tried moving around changing positions moving to the couch on the floor on the bed on my back on my belly. I've tried everything. I do have very sharp pains in my lower belly it comes and gos and I must say its very painful.. how can I get to sleep. and how do I get comfy.

and no mean answers please




  1. wah, I think you should buy body pillow in baby-r-us .. usually uncomfy sleeping happen at 30weeks, but becuase you're carrying triplets tháts why úre feeling uncomfy this early, but imagine, úll be more uncomfy when ur babies get bigger ... regular pillows might not help, you still have a very long way to go , so i think you should buy body pillow :-)

    congratz on ur babies

  2. try adjusting your piloow

    if its high enough you can get your back in a proper position

    or try puting a light pillow beneath your back

    or get a proper mattress


  3. what I do when i cant sleep is but a body pillow in my legs and but a microwaveable heating bag on my lower back and that seems to help every time

  4. Aww! Congrats! I would try and get a body pillow it helps out alot and just surround yourself will LOTS of pillows!

  5. First of all I don't even think that any of this is true, but if it is go to your freaking dr!!!! You have been having all kinds of sharp pains and things, yet you don't seem to be too concerned with your alleged triplets health.;...;...;...;...

  6. get a body pillow, it really helps...

    you can also take many pillows and put them in between your legs and also on your head..., try sleeping on your left side it really helps a lot...

    the pain you feel its stretching... it will happen all the way till your due date... so, be prepared, also the beeing uncomfy part...

    good luck with your babies!!! and take care!

    also a nice cup of warm caffeine free tea helps A LOT!

  7. try a body pillow between your legs, under your belly and between your arms on your side. it worked for me!

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