
Help me please...someone who has reached their goal of a 30 lb loss?

by  |  earlier

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I have gained 30 lbs over the last year and im trying to lose those 30 lbs of weight i have put on. im not sure of what it is im doing wrong to where i cant lose any weight, i have tried a little exersizing and i drink pleanty of water and eat a large amount of fruits and veggies but i cant seem to lose a pound. idk if anyone has been success ful at losing 30 lbs here but if you have could you please give me some pointers on what you have been doind to complete your goal thank you!




  1. I know its always easier said than done, but basically you need to burn more calories than you take in.

    Simply put - - workout more and eat less. I know its difficult to do, because when you work out you get you just need to chose healthier foods to eat. And when you do chose to eat something that doesn't offer much for nutritional value, indulge in moderation.

    When it comes to working out. You should set some goals for yourself. For instance, "I am going to walk 1/2 mile after work today." or "I am going to do 20 pushups and 20 situps every night this week."

    Just set some small goals and work at those. If you set the bar to high or start working out to strong you will get burnt out because it would be any fun and you won't see the rewards only the hard work.

    If you have someone to help you through motivation (ie. a workout buddy, a lifting parter, or a spouse to go for walks with) that will make a big difference on actually motivating you to do it on a daily basis and Stick With It.

    Its not going to be easy, but its well worth it.

    These few tips should set you off on the right path. Good luck!

  2. weight watchers is a godsend! the online thing is so amazing, so many tools to help you!

    i lost 70 pounds while on it!

  3. no but i sure can tell u to eliminate every snack no matter how little it is because just that can gain you a lot of weight trust me,

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