
Help me please <span title="!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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when ever my dad said no to something like ice-cream or i did something wrong i look at him and says " don't look at me with those stupid eyes!!!" if i look away he says " look at me when i m talking to u!!! what do i do???!!!???




  1. &quot;Take it easy&quot; When he looks at you.

  2. In a CALM moment...go to him and tell him how hearing &#039;stupid eyes&#039; makes you feel...tell him you don&#039;t even know what he means by this and so you don&#039;t know how to correct it.  Ask him the question you did us...tell him that you feel you can&#039;t win for losing and so you need his help.  Again, in a calm/no problem moment so it&#039;s not handled in a moment of stress and responded to in anger.

    I&#039;m sorry this is happening to you...take good care.  And good luck.

    P.S. Have you tried talking to your mom about it?  That might be an option so that you don&#039;t have to worry about his reaction...

  3. google: coping with an abusive parent

    good luck

  4. would you like some cheese with your whine?

  5. It&#039;s all about emotion.  The reaction to a NO gives us an instant sadness and you might need to learn to just b ok with no. Learning to govern your emotions...  Soooo that said, get ready for a lifetime of learning how to regulate your emotions instead of  having them rule you.  Let me know if you figure it out :)  

  6. look at him with non stupid eyes?

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