
Help me please!!! (this is URGENT people!)

by Guest64285  |  earlier

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I am 18 years old, and I am a guy so I guess its only natural that I would be horny. But lately, I have been very very horny, like the past few months I feel I need to m********e at least 2-3 times a day and I feel bad about it, like I an some pervert. Because of my horniness, me and my girlfriend broke up and are just friends(but we want to get back together in some time). So how can I not be so horny and scare my girlfriend?? I am 18 btw, she 16 and she is not ready for s*x so that makes it worse.




  1. and?

  2. There's nothing wrong w/you.  You're just a normal teenager & your horemones are screaming.  Don't think any less of yourself because of it, nor feel like a pervert, because you're not.  You don't know what other kids your age do, so I honestly wouldn't worry about it.  (nor or they going to tell  So just do what you have to do & don't go off the deep end because of it.  Believe me, there are far worse things you could be doing than what you are.  Look at the guys who go out & rape innocent girls to satisfy their pleasures.  So, in looking at it in that way, you're not harming anything.  In life, try to turn things around at different prospectives & look at things in different angles.  Things could usually be far worse than they are.  Best to you...:)

  3. yes at your age it is normal to be very horny but as you get a little older your hormones should become a little easier to control and i can see that you really care about your girlfriend and if she isn't ready for s*x yet that does create a problem but give her time and if she truely loves you you'll be the guy she gives it to :) jus wait it out its probably just a phase and it'll pass  

  4. its illegal to have s*x with her when you an adult and she is ya just materbate

    no one needs to know

  5. well this is very personal question but i would not start off horny i would start off calm and cute.. move more and more closer to her and maybe in a year or two she will be ready for s*x. Or you can find another girl horny as you..and my last option only do your horny stuff to girls on the internet and show you cuteness on your real girlfriend.

    sometimes i feel like i have to be horny sometimes can email me for more problems at  

  6. i'd do you i'm horny all the time too!!!!! but uhh don't tell her your horny?

  7. just do it yourself..

  8. You already have an answer - it's all in your hands ;)

  9. Dude ur 18 and waiting for p***y thats right in your face. Your just kinda horny don't worry about it. It will pass when you smash.  

  10. control yourself

  11. your 18 hormones are raging it is normal. respect your girlfriend.

    Maybe you need a hobby.

  12. get a girlfriend that shares your nymphomania for a while

  13. Just try to keep your mind occupied the best you can.  Its a mental thing.  You shouldn't feel bad about it, its only natural.  Worse comes to worse, just find a friend with benefit's

  14. so what, and um you dont need to let her know every time you jack off

    not abnormal at all for a guy your age..just hormones runing wild

  15. sorry can't help u there, that f*ckin' nasty that u m********e yo.

  16. respect your girlfriend's decision. think that she will give her virginity after your marriage and it is like you won in a lottery if that will happened. minimized your desire and reserves it for future infights.

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