
Help me please! what is this?

by  |  earlier

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i have these little attacks in my body everday. i'm only 15.

here's what happens:

i start to sweat/get very hot and cold at the same time.

i want to reach out and touch people for comfort, but when they touch me i coil back.

my heart starts pounding and i can't think.

i get nauseaus.

my head spins with thoughts of alot of stuff.

i'm very dizzy at these times.

these attacks last for about 15 minutes, and i've been getting them everyday since december. it started when i was in the cafeteria and it seemed like there was so much noise everywhere and so many people. i got dizzy and had to go to the nurses office to eat lunch for 3 days. afterwords, i feel like crying. it usually happens when there's alot of people around or when i'm not at home.

what is this? how can i stop it? i'm afraid to leave my house now...please help!




  1. It sounds like panic attacks maybe? Or anxiety. You should explain what is happening to your parent(s), and go see a doctor. He can probably prescribe something to help you. (My older sister has something similiar)

  2. You should really go to the doctor, if that is possible. Especially if this also effects you mentally. One of these days you should really go to the hospital, or have someone call an ambulance if it happens again. I don't know, I'm not a doctor, but I recommend that you have your blood checked because it might be blood sugar, or something... You should definitely talk to your doctor.

  3. you need meds to control anxiety.

  4. Sounds like you are suffering from Anxiety Attacks. I would talk to your doctor or school nurse about it. See what kind of advice they give you on what to do about it, because everyone handles it differently dont be discouraged if what they suggest doesnt work at first. Keep your hopes up hun. Best of luck -x0x-

  5. You are experiencing a 'panic attack'. I have been having them since I was your age or younger, and its maddening. See a doctor! There are medications that will help.

  6. Go and see a doctor.

  7. Panic attacks, which sound as though they are developing into agoraphobia (fear of open places).  You should see your pediatrician or family doctor immediately, so that s/he can determine the right course of treatment.  And soon, before school starts.

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