
Help me please?Really urgent

by Guest31708  |  earlier

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Ok im a teenage boy. I have this serious problem ok not serious but i hate it. My problem is flies always follow me i work in a restaurant so that maybe the problem. I take at least 2 showers a day one in the morning and one after work. But theres a fly following me or if there not i can feel them. I heard some people are bug magnets but wat can i do to counter this wat type of shampoo's or soap should i use.




  1. You can use a bodywash and dry oil spray made by Avon called Skin So Soft. The 'original' scent is unisex and works great against insects.

    I have severe reactions to mosquito bites (welts, swelling, etc.) and the mosquito population seems to love me to death... Skin So Soft works better than any other bug spray I've ever used.

  2. lynx shower gel! rawr!! i love it,but i don't think there attracted to people, just blow it up or knock it flying into someones soup =]

  3. fragrances attract them. cologone, deodarent, all that stuff. try fragrance free products

  4. try completely different brands of deoderant, shampoo, detergent, fabric softener, hand soap, something smells good to those flies

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