
Help me pleaseeeee!!!! Retainer question?

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Okay. I just go my retainer today because i got my braces off a few days ago (about a week) When i was in the office my retainer needed to be tweaked because it wasn't fitting correctly on the right side and now as i wear it, i can feel the little metal hooks on the right side and they fit perfectly in the slits of my teeth on the left side. In the mirror the bar in the front of my teeth looks a tiny bit slanted. I was wondering if by tomorrow or the next day it will fit right because maybe my teeth have moved and the retainer is putting it straight??Or do i need to go back and get it looked at?? Or is that the way its supposed to fit? My left front tooth feels a bit in pain like its movig but i was not sure if it was because after my braces were off it moved and the rertainer is correcting it. PLEASE HELP ME IM SO STRESSED!! =\

Thanks sooo much!! xxo




  1. Oh how i hated my retainer =|

    From what you've said, i would imagine that your teeth moved somewhat in the first week you had your brace off, and that's why its hurting and looks a bit slanted. As with when you're braces are tightened, it will hurt for a few days and the settle down.

    After a few months you'll only have to wear your retainer at night, then eventually you'll have the option not to wear it at all, although orthodontists recommend wearing it regularly to stop your teeth drifting.

    The problem i had with my retainer is the urge to take it out. It made me speak funny and it hurt alot when i wore it (mainly because i didnt wear it much).

    However, when i did eventually wear it for a long period of time, i learnt to talk properly and it soon stopped hurting. It was worth it!

    Just dont stress too much, and voice your concerns at your next appointment =] thats what they're there for =]

    Best of Luck

  2. your tooth probably shifted a little bit when u got them off during that week

    and your retainer is made to keep them straight

    so just wait a bit and see if your teeth are still straight

    if they are shifting in anyway that make them crooked or make it uncomfortable to bite down or something...goto your orthodontist and see what they say

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