
Help me pleaseeeeee?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i ordered stuff online thursday.

it said itll ship in 4-6 business days.

but it takes about 24 hrs to process it. (i ordered it about 5pm thursday) --- so can anyone tell me when my stuff should get here?

thank you thank you thank you <3 (:




  1. you ordered it around 5pm so that probably means it&#039;s the end of their business hours for that day. also add an extra day for the processing. so jump to monday and count the business days. if it takes 4 business days than it should arrive by next thursday or if it takes the full 6 business days than it should arrive by the following monday.

    good luck! hope you get your stuff :-}

  2. Just track it then you will know.

  3. What&#039;d you buy?


    If it&#039;s a huge box it&#039;ll take longer.

    If it&#039;s a cd, a couple days.

  4. call where u ordered and get a tracking #... it shows you step by step where ur pkg. are

  5. It will probably ship out next friday and arrive on the following wednesday. Just a educated guess.
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