
Help me pleaseeee?high school help?

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ok so monday was my first day of school and it was fine i was new there

i met two girls who were very nice we exchanged numbers and stuff

then i had huricane days on tuesday and wednesday

we texted each other on tuesday but not on wednesday

then in the morning today i saw one of them talked for a few minutes and then that was it in the afternoon i saw them again and we waved

i asked if they needed a ride home from the bus stop since we live right by each other they said no thanks

when i got home i called both of them cause i had a question about school but they didnt answer i called them about 2:45pm Eastern standard time

did i over do it?? or maybe they werent as friendly anyway please help




  1. i think its just cause your thinkin into it 2 much cause yooh want friends. just take friends a little slower. they have to grow their trust in yooh first and it will take a bit of time. when i started my first day at high school 3 years ago i met these 2 girls and we just hung out in school and we didnt even exchange numbers till about 2 months of being friends so yeah i think your rushing it.

  2. I think your just a little over worried, If they didnt answer it could have been anumber of things. Deffinately dont keep calling every few minutes but dont make it a big deal either. Instead of focussing on making these two girls your only friends, try to make lots of friends and choose from a large group which ones will be the best to hang out with the most. Then you will have a group to choose from every time you want to hang out or talk. If some one doesnt answer, you just call the next person!

  3. I think you over did it a little bit.

    I know that it gets annoying if someone calls and texts me all the time.Just take your time.

  4. maybe over did it a little but not too bad. just take it slow

  5. back off of them a little bit, they might think your too clingy...try and make some more can still talk to them and everything...but you may have come on a bit strong...

  6. i dont think you over did it it hink you need o go slowly though. friends dont just happen. and baybe they werent home

  7. No, I dont think you overdid it. You were just trying to be friendly...and that's good =)...Just in the future, Dont be too clingy and call them All the time, or text them 24/7. Give them some space...but not too much space...before you guys drift apart. Be Friednly and nice as much as you can, but try not to overdo it. It might scare them off...But still remain the Sweet, Kind, Friendly you =)

  8. I don't think you over did it. Wait and see if they call you back.  

  9. Perhaps you're thinking about this too much.  Just be yourself.  If you feel like calling them, call them, and if you want to wave... wave.  If you called them again... that might be overdoing it.  But I think you're fine.  Good luck with making friends.

  10. you should act more natural...friends are people, just like you! anyways, good friendships dont happen from one day to another; for some, it takes years until they have someone to call their "mate" relax and take it easy. things will fall into place

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