This week my principal will sit down with me and go over my evaluation from last year. I will have to sign the document if I am generally accepting of or in agreement with it. My principal sat in on two of my classes last year. He walked out of each seemingly pleased. All the tenured teachers I work with like me and tell me I do a good job teaching. They tell me I worry too much and stress too much about what the principal thinks. Here's the rub, however: I am anticipating that my principal will have more criticisms than complements, even though I know, and everyone else knows, that I am doing a good job. This is just how he operates. He rarely compliments his staff and often criticizes them, often behind their backs. He is the biggest gossip in our entire building. He has just completed his third year as our principal; I have just completed my third year teaching at this school (we started at the same time).
I do not have tenure. I will not have it until the end of this year (assuming I receive it). I feel that I cannot speak out in this meeting about his negativity or challenge him in any way. I really feel the need to respectfully say some things, but feel I really can't because I don't have tenure. I WANT to keep track of the negatives he brings up and ask him to please provide me with as many positives, but I'm scared to do that, as well.
Again, all my colleagues say I'm doing great. I have lots of positive feedback from parents as well. The only time my principal talks to me is to criticize me (he is this way with everyone else, too).
What should I do in this meeting if it goes as I am anticipating? What should I say? What CAN I do without jeopardizing my chances for tenure?
Incidentally, I work constantly on professional development and am also writing a book on grammar, and my principal knows this. He has never complimented me or encouraged me on this.
Can you tell I'm scared? Help! :-)