
Help me prove my boyfriends cousion wrong about our daughter.?

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reason i am asking this here is i got nothing in family.

prove to my boyfriends cousion something. Okay i have a daughter and his cousion thinks she is the aunt. I kept telling her she is a cousion not an aunt. She only has 2 aunts my sister and my boyfriends sister. Who is right?




  1. your boyfriends cousins relation to your daughter?

    i believe that would be a second cousin. your right. an aunt is the sister of the parents. thier children are her cousins. your boyfriends cousin would i think be a second cousin.

  2. Who cares this is something simple and you need to learn how to pick your fights. My cousin has a son and he calls me Aunt Sydney sometimes....I don't mind is mother doesn't mind, The same should go for you.

  3. Aunts & Uncles are just the parents' sisters & brothers. So you are right, his cousin would be your daughter's cousin (I think it might be a second cousin, or cousin once removed, maybe).

  4. She would be your cousin if you guys got married and she is your daughters 2nd cousin.

  5. you are your sisters and your husbands sisters are your daughter`s aunts next time she says that just tell her to shut up and just ignore her she is a idiot

  6. No technically she is the 2nd cousin but depending if they are close like siblings they my feel she's an aunt i know my daughter calls mine and my husbands close friends and cousins aunts and uncles

  7. Your right your sister and your boyfriend's sister is her aunt.  But you know there are culture who believe that a cousins child is their niece/nephew.  Probably she came from that culture. You have to ask her.  Don't you worry about it, as long as she loves your daughter that is very good.  Having a lot of aunt is wonderful and a lot of gifts during holidays:-}

  8. An Aunt is the sister or sister-in-law of the mother or father of the child.

    BUT in our case we call my cousins "Uncles" and "Aunties" when referrring to them. It is used as a term of endearment. In the same way your parents may have told you to call family friends "Uncle" or "Auntie".

  9. She would be your daughters second cousin

  10. It is your daughters 2nd cousin. Not an aunt. But its not really a big deal really I have a best friend that my kids call thier aunt, and they already have 5 aunts.

  11. the only aunts the child would have is any sisters of either the mother or father.

    a cousin to the father or mother would be a second cousin to the child

    hope i helped =]

  12. Well, by blood...  cousin.  But, I call my cousin my aunt and she calls me her neice.  I guess its the age difference.

  13. You're right, she's a cousin!

  14. You are right. She would be the baby's first cousin once removed (the technical term), but yes a cousin.

  15. Aunts and Uncles are made up of you and your husband's siblings, not cousins.

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