
Help me put my mind to rest.So I don't have to spend another night awake until dawn.?

by  |  earlier

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I'll try to be brief all though it never happens -_-;.

.Theres a girl Ive been friends with for 11/16 years of my life

.Three years ago I developed feelings for her

.Last summer I distanced myself from her to hide my feelings

.I havent spoken to her since febuary

.She lives 45 mins away near my summer house

.I was at the house in july and didnt see her because :

.I was and am afraid to call her or see her for some reason

.Im scared ****less since Im going back for three days sometime this week and I dont want to not see her.

.Ive been up until 3-5 am thinking about her eachnight since april.

I just need advice...or what you would do. Or similar stories or words of encouragement. Or rationalizations or just give me a thought to stave away the regret just for tonight so I can go to bed by 1 am!

*its 12:47*




  1. Call her and talk to her. Tell her how you feel about her maybe she feels the same way. I see a lot of people that post questions about how they developed feelings for their really good friend.

    To get her out of your head try listening to music till you go to sleep or take sleeping pills if nothing else works.

  2. how bout u just tell her.... your distancing your self anyway so what have you got to loose? if you don't tell her you will stay distant and regret it, and if you tell her and she rejects you at least you have an answer and can move on, but if she has the same feelings then woohooo!!!!

    at least if you tell her u will get some sleep its the not knowing that is causing your mind to race!!!

  3. m********e. DUH!

  4. so..try to find another girl who likes you and you can develop the same feelings for. it's going to be like a substitute, only this time the feelings will be shared..i guess it's your only option. i'm not saying that  she will let you sleep too much at night:P:P:P

  5. CALL HER.


    you can do it, just think. good or bad. you won't be up anymore.

  6. ask her out... she probably has the same feelings as you. and what is the worst that can happen... she says no? there are much worse things in life dear


  7. Trust me, tell her how you feel. You know how you feel now? Do you want to have this on your mind for another three years? Believe me it can stick around longer than that! This happened to me with a childhood friend. I never got the courrage to tell her and she met someone and got married. She's got two children now and I know that she sometimes thinks about what could have been, because she admitted that at the time she felt the same way. If you think you're feeling regret now, imagine what you'd feel if this happened to you. At least if she rejects you, it'll hurt a bit, but you'll be able to move on.

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