
Help me!!!!!?

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my grandfather got his arm eaten by a shark in florida i love the beach but now im scared of the it, but i just love it so much. and i live in a beach house in florida. so what should i do? im 14 and it is silly to be scared of beach. :(




  1. It isn't silly to be scared after an experience like that. The odds of being bitten by a shark are very low, but it may take some time before you can feel safe in the ocean again.

  2. you shouldnt be scared.. getting bitten by a shark is a something that rarley happens. you have a better chance of being struck by lightning.. just swim with a large group avoid bright contrasting collors and the doggy paddle.. =)

  3. listen, life is too short! your 14 and your not getting younger! i saw you should be aware! but also get out there! i wouldnt go past the bowwie or too far out! just goo where people can see you and where land is not that far! and sharks dont really eat people when they are not hungry! so yupp! and alot of sea animals are nicee. dont worry be happy!

  4. Just don't go out that far and look at the flags that tell you the ocean's conditions.
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