
Help me should i ignore him or talk to him?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my ex wanted me to visit him last week for his bday. he dumped me last month for a woman in his city. but his behavior last week was insane. first nite it took him 10 min to get to my hotel room and he lives 30min away. when he got there he kept walking in circles around me like he was scared to get close. then when i finally got him to sit down he was werid he hugged me! then he finally lightened up but started asking ?'s about my new bf. personal ones like if he and i are sleeping together!? we watched a baseball game on tv and he kept stroking my arm and holding onto me and i even caught him smelling my hair he never once said stop because of her only that they were together. and on the last nite there we slept together big mistake! he kept staring at me the whole time we were together and kissed me when we organismed together. he started calling me hunny agian. but the next day when i was leaving he was snapping at me constantly. when i asked him wtf he said i am not mad at you i could never be mad at you and then stroked my face and hugged me. he took me out to a 50 dollar dinner and said part of him thinks we should never see each other agian cause he is tired of hurting me. and the other says he is crazy and wants and needs me in his life! wth i have been ignoring his calls cause idk what to do or say? help me someone!? btw i am moving to his city in a few months and he keeps asking me scarcastically if i want us to be together agian?! but he is still with her!!!!




  1. Well, he obviously isn't very serious about getting back with you if he's still with this other girl...and tell him that. Make him prove it by getting rid of her. If he's unwilling to do that before he knows for sure if you want to be with him or not, then he is filling your head with lies.

  2. It sounds like he’s a very confused man. However, it’s you that’s the victim of his confusion.

    I don’t like telling someone that they should stay or leave a relationship but for what it’s worth, my opinion is that you should be with a man who is 100% committed to you – and he’s not.

    As he’s so indecisive, I’d recommend reviewing exactly what standards you want met in a relationship and decide whether he’s meeting those standards. Forget his behavior for a moment and put yourself first.

    For instance, do you find it acceptable to be with a man who’s also in a relationship with another woman? Do you expect a level of mood swings – if so, how severe do these mood swings need to get before they make you unhappy?

    Once you answer these and other key points about how you expect to be treated in order to keep your self respect and dignity, then you’ll be closer to knowing whether you wish to continue to have any form of relationship this man.

    Good luck.

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