
Help me spice up a video.

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It's my mom's 50th birthday this coming friday.I gathered 50 video greetings from 50 people (relatives, friends, ...) but i haven't got any clue on what to do with it yet. I wouldn't want the usual happy birthday song for the background music. but i don't know any alternative. count down? SOS. You'd save a life by helping moi.




  1. Check eBay for magazine covers from the 60's 70's 80's 90's and show them throughout the video.

    Play the top hits of popular music from each era.

    If your Mom likes chocolate, every so often show a Hershey bar with the price for each decade: 10 cents, 30 cents, etc.

    Or if she is a movie buff, show movie posters from various years, again these can be found on Google images or eBay. Don't buy the posters, just use the digital image!

    Also search youtube for TV commercials from different eras. Use keywords like TV 60's etc.

  2. put some nekkid male models in it every one will think it's a hoot.

  3. listen just pretend your a squirell eating a burger

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