
Help me think GREEN.?

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I've really been wanting to have my family to go green. But the problem is, everything 'green' is very expensive! Is there any CHEAP ways I can help my family, and home, turn green?




  1. Shop at thrift stores to recycle clothes and save money

    Grow your own food

    Use vinegar and baking soda as your washing 'chemicals'

  2. Yes:

    Turn unused lights off

    Any other unused or not necessary Electric items off

    Walk if traveling short distances

    Don't smoke

    Don't waste water

  3. you could just

    make sure things wern't left on standby

    have energy saving lightbulbs

    when it gets cold put a jumper on instead of ur heating

    use your car less if possible

    recylce more

    just things like that really

  4. Turn down the thermostat (or up for air conditioning) when you don't really need the unit, when the outside air can heat or cool the house some.  Let the outside air do it while it can.  Close the windows and return the thermostat to normal temperature before the walls heat or cool too much as the outside temperature changes.  You may be wasting energy bringing them back to comfortable temperature if you wait too long.  

    Plan trips in your car.  Don't run off to the store for something if you can pick it up on the way somewhere.  Think ahead about what you need, and where, so you can plan routes fitting needed stops in with other trips.  Don't make it a big chore.  Just make a decent effort.  If you make it too hard, it'll be discouraging.

  5. Just close your eyes and think of green baby poopy diaper, there did I help you?.

  6. There are a lot of small, inexpensive ways to help protect the environment. For example:

    Use cloth shopping bags so you don't bring home a lot of plastic.

    Use your own travel mug when getting coffee from fast food joints or gas stations so you don't fill up the landfills with styrofoam.

    If you're sitting down to eat at a fast food restaurant, don't use a lid on your drinks. Again, plastic just fills up the landfills. If the place looks kinda dirty, though, I would at least use a straw.

    Turn off the computer at night.

    Unplug electronics like the tv when they're not in use.
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