
Help me think of a cartoon to draw to force my foreigner neighbors to stop talking on their cell phone late at

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night !

Please help me! My stupid foreigner neighbors have NO MANNERS! EVERY night at 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning they are outside yelling into their cell phones for HOURS.

I put up a sign demanding that they stop, or i will call the cops. BUt they ignore it, maybe because they don't know english? They always yell into their phones in an obnoxious ugly language, so English is obviously not their main language, if at all.

What should my cartoon depict?

Me punching them in the nose as they are on a phone?

Or maybe the cops arresting them while they are on a phone?




  1. you should inform police several times to make them do something about it, but I guess it would work :)

  2. no  yelling pitcure

  3. I don't think drawing a cartoon picture is going to do anything.  However, EVERYONE understands what a police officer looks like.  Call the police every time they disturb you.  Disturbing the peace is actually a misdemeanor.   They will get tired of having to deal with the police and they'll either get quiet or go somewhere else to yell on their phones.

    Actually before doing that, TELL them to be quiet.  Even if they don't understand English, they'll get the point.  If not, then call the police.

  4. Ask or tell them to stop.  If that doesn't work CALL THE POLICE.  

    Don't make empty promises that you will call the police, call them every time this happens.

  5. Have you ever just gone over there very nicely and knocked on the door and explained that when they talk on their cell phone right outside your window at night it is very loud and you can hear everything they say and it wakes you up?

    It would be the neighborly thing to do to politely tell them about the situation and ask if they could step a little further from the building when they make their calls.

    There is a good chance they know English. However, a sign demanding they stop is obnoxious. If I was them, I'd be sure to make calls every night just to tick you off.  

    There is a reason they say you catch more files with honey than with vinegar. If you have not done so, how about trying the nice neighborly approach and ask them politely to keep their voice down when they are on the phone.

  6. talking on the phone while they're behind bars :D

  7. Don't do anything, just call the police.  They are causing a disturbance.  The first time the police show up nothing will happen, but if it continues to happen the police can take more and more action.  If a certain apartment or person gets a lot of police attention, the police can work with the landlord/owner to get that person evicted.

  8. Draw a picture of the phone and draw a circle and line through it

  9. Draw a man talking on the phone bent over. Then draw a picture of you donkey punching them!

    Yeee haw!

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