
Help me to compare your ttc/early pregnancy stories....BEST ANSWER GIVEN...answer quickly...?

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MY details:

LMP: July 28, 2008 (usually a 28-30 day cycle)

OPK: tested positive 2 times:

1. August 11, 2008--the test line & control line similar

2. August 14, 2008--the test line was DARKER than control line

**Hubby and I BD during fertile times and when OPKs POSITIVE

August 20, 2008: Brown tinged CM when wiped...only lasted 12 hours.

CERVICAL POSITION: During Ov. time, very high; during expected AF, very low; and for the past 4 or so days, very high that I was unable to reach today (aug. 31).

I have no symptoms of either pregnancy or period...just uncomfortable feeling in BB's when sleeping on stomach, gas, tired (took a 2 hr. nap yesterday & I NEVER do that).

Please give me details of yours and anything that you may be able to help with mine...I want to compare stories, especially the ones that ended in a BFP (all my HPTs have been BFN by the way!) Thanks in advance




  1. I'm not sure of all this terminology and abbreviations that you are using.  Perhaps you live in a different country?

    I've gone through 3 pregnancies and have 3 sons and it was all fairly normal.  Just the standard, fall pregnant, get morning sickness, bloating, reflux, etc, etc, then give birth naturally.

    Am sorry that I couldn't be of more help. :(

    Edit- Ok, I understand now :)  Thanks.

    Well a very high cervix that is extremely hard to reach combined with the cervix being hard and larger than normal can be a sign of pregnancy(I remember this from my own).

    Have you noticed any other symptoms such as mental/emotional changes, perhaps PMS that is stronger than usual or just the feeling that something is off kilter?

    Anything out of the ordinary is a sign of hope.

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