
Help me understand freaky dream?

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I had this dream a few days ago and the more I think about it, the more I get creeped out. I wrote it down as soon as I woke up so I could remember as much as possible and wouldn't mix stuff up.

I'm running through a forest, it's early autumn, the ground is covered with leaves. An angel is leading me, his hand grasped firmly around my wrist. He wears a white tunic and whtie pants, his hair is long and brown. Another angel runs slightly ahead of us but soon takes to the air, golden wings appearing on his back. I ask the one angel were we are going and he says they're taking me somewhere safe but then Satan appears and he fights the two angels, he wins, stabbing them both in the heart, he looks at me and the next thing I know I'm engulfed in black flames that burn my skin, I see a satanic star burn into my wrist, then I wake up.

I know it sounds crazy but I haven't been able to get this dream out of my head! PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. You run alone with angels because the battle is being waged within you. The forest represents the true essence of nature and of life.You see the beginning of autumn as a time to see and feel nature at it's peak of beauty and the power of nature to give life as a parallel to the life that you have been given.

    You are led because in your own mind the battle is out of your hands.

    The angels have to die because the question is within you and you know the angels are only given the power to guide not to change.

    There hearts are taken because it is only your heart that the question concerns.

    You feel engulfed when satan looks upon you and marked for h**l because you feel you gave your heart and everything that made you you away along time ago and now there is nothing left of you to fight.

    You got to take the power back man. There is no one in this world that is more important to listen to than yourself

  2. What have you done that you think is so bad recently, that you deserve a satanic star burn into you?

    In realty, star is not bad, pentagram is just a geometric symbols of stars; and Satan is only bad in you mind, so it is someone you know that both scare you and fascinate you at the same time.

    Two angels represent your current believe, so you must be Christian, but do you know Christian is not suppose to believe in dream interpretation or fortune telling?

    My guess is that you have a friend into the occult stuffs and you are a devoted Christian, and two angels represent your conscious tendency to stay within the Christian guidelines, and your friend may be winning by making you turned away from your religion.

  3. Wow, that's a strange dream.  Sounds to me like maybe lately you've been having some dark thoughts or have been doing something that you know you shouldn't do and the evil is winning right now.  Maybe it's time to make some changes.

  4. sometimes if you eat alot before bed... you are more prone to have nightmares....but if its really bad, you should seriously consider getting profesional of luck to you...

  5. It sounds to me like God is calling you to seek him but the devil will try to hold you back.  Simply put, don't let him!

  6. I checked out your profile, unfortunately there was nothing to go by except your alias: MEAT = Murder. It would seem that you are a vegetarian and have lots of compassion for the animals of our world. The two angels of your dream support this notion. They are trying to take you away from this murderous environment into something more loving. Running through the forest is a sign that you are seeking the truth within you. Autumn indicates that there is a change coming in your life; a change towards a more spiritual way of life; just as the angels indicate.

    But then comes Satan and stops the angels from leading you to a more loving environment. Satan wants to claim you for himself and thus burns his emblem into your skin, the pentacle. You are engulfed in flames as you are branded.

    The fact that you cannot rid yourself of this dream signals its IMPORTANCE. It emphasises that you are entering a phase of serious spiritual questing. The darkness of the forest is symbolical of the darkness of your pathway towards the LIGHT. The mystics and saints call it the darkness of the soul. This is a necessary stage in the spiritual quest. First comes the darkness and then the pain of purgation. The flames Satan has brought with him are actually a positive sign because they are the flames of purification. This may sound strange, but you must not forget that the work of Satan is to test your worthiness of the LIGHT. What is even stranger is that most Christians are ignorant of the real meaning of Satan. The real and surprising meaning of Satan becomes evident when we look at his other name which is LUCIFER. This name actually means Bringer of Light (LUX- Light and ferre - to bear, to bring, to carry).

    Something else most Christians don’t know is that God is doing all this for your own good. God is the all powerful agent who creates both light and darkness, both good and evil. This may shock you, but if you look up Isaiah 45:7 in the Old Testament you will read there the verification of what I have said where God declares: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.”

    If you are new to this truth you will be incredulous and think that I am Satan in person. But before you condemn what I have said, please open the bible and see for yourself. (The original King James Version).

    So that you can really understand this verse of the OT you have to reflect on what it means to be in the world. It means to be in darkness as well as in the light. When God creates the world he has to use both darkness and light, just as an artist who wants to paint a picture must use more than just white to bring the objects into focus. Without darkness there can be no creation for you would see not objects, no animals, no people, no landscapes. All would be light. It is because of this that God has to create darkness which is the counterpart of evil while good is the counterpart of light.

    So if you look at your dream in this light you will find that the angels represent good and light and Satan evil and darkness. What might worry you is that your dream ended with you being branded by Satan. This is only a worry when you forget that he is the bringer of Light. It is only a worry when you forget that in the dream it is autumn, a symbol of spiritual maturity and an indication of going within in order to merge with the Light of your Heart.

    Just as the autumn trees are dropping their leaves because they no longer need the nourishment of the outside world, so is your soul withdrawing from the world since it is on the way of return to the inner Light of the Heart.

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