
Help me understand something about the way liberals think...?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but most liberals are very passionate about the environment and the safety and well-being of animals. How do you reconcile that concern for plant and animal life with your equally passionate belief that women should have the right to terminate a pregnancy at any stage? A baby in his/her mother's womb has a detectable heart beat at 5-6 weeks - that is life. But that life has no value, and trees and animals do? These beliefs just don't make sense to me. Please help me understand.




  1. Many people believe every American should have the right to do whatever they want with their own body without the governement dictating to them. Why do you want the government to tell you how to live?

  2. I'm a liberal who is very much pro-life. I believe life starts at conception.

  3. Liberals believe that it is not up to us to decide a woman's reproductive choice, but we also believe we should do everything we can to make abortion very rare.  You say that Liberals believe "women should have the right to terminate a pregnancy at any stage".  This is not true, most believe that it should be only be done in the first few weeks, and never in the third trimester unless the life of the mother is at stake.

  4. Liberals believe the public needs to be taken care of and given money with  no strings.

    Republicans believe the public is smart enough to stand on their own two feet and do not need or want handouts.

    Liberals think there is no such thing as evil - everyone is either misunderstood or don't mean what they say.

    Republicans know there is evil.

    By the way, I'm a Republican/Independent and am very concerned about the welfare of animals .

  5. A heartbeat does not make it a human being.

    Try to understand this:  I do care about the environment and animals, partly because it is in my self interest to do so; but, I am not of some religion or belief system that thinks every bit of life is sacred and cannot be destroyed.  I eat meat.

    As for the embryo and fetus.  I don't know for sure when it becomes a human being.  (I suspect when it is capable of surviving on it's own without the support of the mother's body.  Until then IMO it is part of the mother's body.)  

    But, be that as it may, I know that during the early stages of life that little bit of flesh is not a human being and it certainly does not have more rights than the human being in whose body it resides and is a part of.

    I also believe that we are in dangerous territory when, based upon somebody's religion, not necessary her own, we start allowing governments to say what a woman may or may not do with her body.

    If a woman cannot say if she will or will not have a child, then she has no rights at all.  Not having s*x, as long as men are around and are the way they are, is not an option; and, virtually all the reliable means of birth control, such as the pill, prevent the egg from attaching itself to the uterus.  This is after conception.  Therefore an abortion.

    Once the "pro-lifers," who care more about the fetus than the woman, have succeeded in making what we usually think of as abortions illegal, then they will start on birth control arguing that these things too are an abortion and must be eliminated.

    The outlook would be very grim for women indeed.

  6. Liberalism is a bona-fide mental illness?

  7. They believe children are punishments.

  8. There is no way for a logical thinking person to understand the liberal brain. The hypocrisies are endless.

    "Palin has no experience, but let's vote for Obama who has even less"

    "We want change, but our VP Biden is the opposite of that"

    I could go on but it would waste my breath.

    Edit for the first responder. It's wierd how a heartbeat doesn't mean life, but without a heartbeat, you are dead. Good logic.

  9. I think for leftists, life does not begin until the person can become a productive citizen to begin paying taxes to fund the common good.

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