
Help me understand these dreams!?

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I seem to never remember my dreams, but my sister's and my kids do.

My older sister drempt that she was at the Interstate Fair. She walked into the restroom and saw a row of mirrors on the wall. At the last mirror she saw Katie (My daughter) She was (as my sister put it) primping with her hair and makeup.

All of a sudden my older sister heard two gun shots coming from behind her. as she pushed open the bathroom door, she was standing on a beautiful beach, She said the water was blue and the sand was white, she said it was just beautiful. She heard the sound of gunshots to her right and as she scanned the beach to find where the shots were coming from, she saw people falling to the ground.

She saw a man, he was on his stomach and shooting people at random! As she got closer to this man, she realized that he was our nephew who was shooting people.

She turned back around and walked into the bathroom and saw Katie still standing there, Katie turned and looked at my sister and she had two bullet holes in her forehead, blood started to trickle down Katie's face. My sister started screaming and woke herself up.

This next dream was drempt by Amanda, another daughter of mine.

She said that she, her friend, Katie and some unknown person, she knew someone was there, although she did not see who it was. Anyway thery were driving through a pass (she thought this was a pass because of the high walls on either side of her) and all of a sudden a semi truck lost their load of huge pipes and she thought beams. She swerved to miss the rolling pipes and everyone in the car was screaming. She missed hitting the pipes and pulled off to the side of the road and asked if everyone was okay. When she looked in the rear view mirror, Katie was gasping for air. Amanda kept yelling and asking her if she was okay, finally she called 911 and started cpr. That is all she remembers of the dream.

Do I need to be concerned about Katie? Is this some kind of warning for her?

Please, if you can help me understand these dreams I would greatly appericate it.




  1. Dreams are usually about the dreamer.

    guns and bullets represent words- the hurtful kind.

    bathroom represents cleansing- spirit, mind, etc.

    the people in the dreams are not usually representative of themselves;

    they are there to help convey a message.

    The first one looks like she saw the need in herself to heal from something, decided to ignore it, but some things just can't be ignored


    Cars represent your life.  She almost got hurt by somebody else's

    stuff, but she escaped harm.

  2. Has Katie or your family been through some tough times lately?  Possibly, something comes to mind for you immediately, but sometimes young people keep things to themselves, so there might be something hurting or confusing her that you are not aware of.  Have you noticed her acting different in any way... perhaps seeming more insecure or obsessed with her appearance?

    The row of mirrors may represent that she is overly concerned with how other people see her.  The fact that she is primping in the last mirror strengthens this possibility.  If she had been primping in the family bathroom at home, it could have more to do with introspection or pride, but she is doing this in a public restroom, so I'm thinking this has to do with her concern with how others view her at at school, church, or wherever she goes publicly on a regular basis.

    Even more specifically, an Interstate Fair most likely represents a competitive environment.  Is Katie involved in some activity that is extremely competitive, especially where appearance is concerned?  Beauty competitions?  Dance?  Gymnastics?  Cheerleading?  Or is she just in a cut throat environment with catty girls who don't mind slaying people with words?

    I'm wondering if the beautiful beach represents Katie's normal frame of mind... pure, serene, lovely?  Or it could be Katie's life, at least on the surface.  However, something has disturbed that picture perfect ideal, and things are not as they appear on the surface, or they are not as they have been.  

    Your nephew.... is he a harsh, critical person?  Does he attack with words?  Or would he be capable of spreading lies and innuendo and destroying Katie's reputation?  Bullet holes in her head could represent an attack on her mind, or it could mean both her reputation (face) and mind (inside her head) have been wounded by something that is devastating her.  During my son's high school years, 2 separate attacks on his reputation undermined his emotional stability and ability to stay focused, cost him friendship and destroyed his social life.  He's 18 now, and still has a smaller network of friends than I had hoped he would have... nobody he really can count on.  Lies and deliberate attacks can make the normal activities teens enjoy become an obstacle course or house of horrors, so that they can no longer enjoy the things they normally would, which cuts down on their opportunities to build a supportive network and friendships and tap into the life of the community as they normally would.  Even worse, the most detestation attack came from a cousin, which caused about 3 years of turmoil in our family, which is still not completely resolved.  Only the truth can do that, but nothing can give back what he has lost in the past few years.  At this point, all we can do is support him fiercely and try to keep a positive attitude here at home so he can get on with his life.  This was the kind of attack that "rocks your world" and we have had to pray and hang on for dear life to survive.


    Going through a pass.... a "tight place", hemmed in?  Or, it could mean "this will pass."  The truck losing a load of beams could mean Katie's "foundations" and "support" have been shaken or lost somehow.  Who was driving?  This can be important.  The person driving has a lot of influence or control for good or for bad.  Whatever has happened is taking Katie's breath away.  Through all that my son suffered, he had a lot of physical symptoms, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc. from the stress.  Katie's health and well being are being compromised by whatever is going on.  Calling 911 and starting CPR indicate that what Katie is facing IS SERIOUS and asking "Are you ok?" is not going to be enough to get her through it.

    Maybe the attack is already in progress, or maybe this is a warning.  PRAY for Katie.  Be prepared to understand, when it comes or is revealed, this is not Katie's fault and she needs ALL your support.  The people in Katie's life who normally support her (her "beams") will likely fail her at this point and she is going to need your prayers and support more than ever.  Stand by her without flinching.  BELIEVE HER.  BELIEVE IN HER.  If she thinks you don't trust her, this will be the most devastating blow of all.

    Do not seek help from various spiritual sources that are not proven.  Seek help from GOD ALONE.  He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, and as Katie's CREATOR, HE is the One who loves her most.  He can bring good out of all of this, making Katie into a much deeper, stronger person that she could ever have been otherwise.  Depend on HIM for strength and pray for Katie continually.

    Keep in touch and let me know how Katie is getting along.  I'm praying for her and for your family.  

    God bless you.



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