
Help me understand what thoughts are behind the Breed Banned viewpoint?

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I'm really confuse about why people hate certain breeds like : pit bulls ,German Shepherds, Chow Chows, Presa Canarios, Dobermans, Cane Corsos, Huskies, Boxers.

Do you just have a pure hatred toward the breeds , or do you hate them for their past actions.

If your for it because of their past actions , Do you hate every single human race that have ever walk the face of the earth.

Please explain why you feel for certain type of breeds to be banned.




  1. I honestly think that this is born of ignorance. It's a sad and unfortunate thing we have to deal with. My niece is a huge advocate for American Staffordshire Terriers (pits)...and I'm so very proud of her. She has a video out on Youtube (warning you will probably cry-I've shown it to many people and haven't managed to stay dry eyed yet) on the subject. The sad thing is that it's really the people that should be banned, not the dogs. These are some of the most sweet and loving dogs you could ever have the privilege of meeting. Breed banning is wrong no matter what. I choose pits because they are one of the most often picked on and they are used and abused. Rotts are another breed that people talk of banning; I had one who was so gentle , he'd hold his weight on his front legs so he didn't squish me when he sat in my lap (he weighed more than I did). My daughter's rat  would go up and eat out of his food bowl, while he was eating. Elvis would just stop and sit, let him grab a chunk and eat when was out of the bowl.

    No breed should be banned blanketly.

    Responsible pet ownership is the way to go. Proper socialization, and even training (I did train my Rott, and it was well worth the money). And stopping the abuse, neglect, and cruelty that creates issues in the first place.

    Cheers! Fellow dog lover :-)  

  2. The ONLY breed I do have a problem with is the presa canario, and that is because of the vicious dogs that ripped the throat out of the poor woman trying to get into her apt. The police officer first on the scene said she was trying to stand up and her entire throat was torn out. These dogs were bred to be guard dogs for drug dealers, they were enormous animals and the woman was hopelessly outmatched as was the ditz female lawyer who was supposedly looking after them. My number one complaint is that they were kept in an APARTMENT. So wrong on so many levels.

  3. People stereotype, and the media doesn't help at all.  You only hear about dog attacks by those breeds.  Funny, nobody heard about when my Shih Tzu bit me, or that Samoyed.... but no one would ever dream of banning a Shih Tzu!

    People seem to think that banning certain breeds will make dog aggression disappear... when really they should be banning stupid owners.

    I don't have a problem with any one breed.  It's usually the owner, and you can get bad examples from any breed.

    ADD: Italy banned Border Collies of all breeds?  Why was that?

  4. I hate Bsl it is sooo stupid omg makes me sooo mad and sad(got a

    german shepherd/Rottweiler/pit bull/mix best dog ever)   I LOVE ALL THE POOR BREEDS OF BSL!!!! its the owners fault not the dogs BLAME THE DEED NOT THE BREED :(

  5. I don't feel any breed should be banned. I think owners need to actually have to be schooled and licensed to own so called 'viscous' breeds though or h**l any dog for that matter. They need to be able to show a comprehensive understanding not only of the breed they want but what it takes to properly raise and handle said dog.

  6. i dont have a problem with any of those breeds, actually I dont have a problem with any breed of dog

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