
Help me volleyballerz?

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i just try out in volleyball last semester in my school and they count me in the team but the problem is that this is the first week of school and my teacher doesn't even explain what to do..

i just follow the thing that my team8s do but just that i don't know anyone their and i dont what to do..

do i need to change that class or what??..

coz im already 2 years playing volleyball in varsity..

and now i just move here so i dont realy have that much of friends..

and also some of my team8s also dont talk to me..




  1. ok so whatever you do, do not quit or change classes.just stay in this class and become friendly with your team8s.if you are one of the best players then dont show off just be normal then when you make some friends you can show off a bit more(:

  2. keep playing have fun sheer on your team mates talk tyo them if you played 2 yrs. varsity you should know a hing or 2 about volleyball. ASK YOUR COACH 4 HELP!

  3. talk to your coach upfront

    dont matter if hes busy or not you need to tell him what he wants his team to do... he doesnt sound like a good coach to me

    i suggest changing sports/class

  4. Sorry bud, that bites. You are talking about a coach and not a gym teacher right? The coach better know what to do or the team is screwed. If it is just in gym, just s***w around and don't let it bug you too much. If you need help on something ask and try starting up conversations with your teammates about the game and how the team did last year and see if they play outside of school. We always played outside of school and that is how I made friends on my team. Good luck bud!

  5. Look at it from the professional side. Is volleyball going to bring you a future? I know that finishing your classes are important to graduate. Would you rather wait to graduate later or play somewhere else where you can actually have a team that play for the team and not players that play as individuals. In volleyball there has to be communication and a good chemistry because at the end this will be the result of the team as in if they win or lose. Talk to the coach and teammates. If there is not much that you can do about changing them, then consider changing teams since you seem to like the sport a lot. Just put in your mind what will make a difference in your life. Sometimes little decisions like this will change your life by a simple yes or no. Good luck.
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