
Help me! whats up with my arm?

by  |  earlier

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im a teen and last night when i was taking a shower i slipped and fell on ulna right next to my elbow and theres a big bump now. is it bruised, broken, or not the bone at all?




  1. wrap it in a ace bandage and either go to the er or see if your orthopedist is open for clinic  

  2. don't use that arm as much if u think it is getting better then stay like that and don't work with it.if u think it is not doing anything  or getting worse go see a doctor.

  3. If you can move your arm in full, then you havent broken it, you probably bruised it internaly, it takes ages to heal. If you are in doubt, visit the hospital A & E

  4. While this could be normal swelling in response to the trauma, if it persists and remains painful to the touch, I would recommend an x-ray.

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