
Help me with a cat problem?

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My cat is eating plastic bags and it's been getting really out of control. I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to stop it. I don't want her to get sick anymore!!




  1. HIDE THE PLASTIC BAGS. I had to do this because my cat would eat them and it was the most annoying sound in the world. Just throw them away or keep them in a drawer.

  2. remove the plastic bags, it will stop her from eating them.  YES, they are harmful to her digestion.

    Have you also tried getting more toys, interacting with her more or playing hide n seek with her food to give her something else to occupy her intense curosity?

  3. Remove the plastic bags, we had a cat that used to eat string. Where we wre living before we had to rip out all the carpets and keep any thread , ribbons  or string away from her.  You had to be careful with dental floss, she would do her best to eat it, too.

    She died when she was 16 years old from old age.

  4. Is she an indoor cat ? If so, it sounds to me like she's bored. Get her outdoors and get her some toys. Yes, hide the plastic too !

    Good luck !

  5. Here's an alternative instead of just fussing at you: buy a "crinkle mat" for your cat. They sell them on ebay and pet stores, and I got one from BigLots today, but that's just luck of the draw.

    It's either a tube, a pillowcase thing, or just a flat mat with thick crinkly cellphane in between fabric. The cats love the sound and it's also soft enough with the fabric to sleep on. Good luck.

  6. uhh dude lol howd she get into em? figure out how and put em in the fridge lol (freezer my bad) my mom does tht i t works gud

  7. Keep the plastic bags locked in a closet or something and then she cant get to them.  Thats easier then psycho analyzing her eating disorder when it comes to plastic bags, now isnt it?

  8. Your cat eats plastic bags?!

    That's crazy.

    I would hide them of course,

    try buying her some cool toys it'll give her something better to do.

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