
Help me with a paper on International Relations?

by Guest58246  |  earlier

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I have to write a paper on International Relations and I don't know where to go for my information. Can someone please either give me a brief introduction on this topic or please point me to some helpful links?




  1. International relations involves the cooperation between nations concerning trade and security.

  2. Take the above information and make your topic one that is happening right now all over the news....United States and Russia's dealing the material and write your paper as to "Do you think the USA needs better diplomatic relations with Iran than an impending war".

  3. Well for  starters DONT USE WIKIPEDIA OR ANY RANDOM WEBSITE AS A SOURCE it is not considered acceptable.  Second go to your college/university library and ask the librarian to show you where to find books on the subject, they sometimes dont seem to be much help at first but be polite but firm with what you need (a topic helps) and they will help you.  Then after you have found books you need to use your schools library website to access an electronic database such as JSTOR or Academic search premier to find articles from online journals but make sure you are allowed to use articles from these databases and not just books.  The databases can be a bit complex at first so get the librarians to show you how are sign up for seminar on how to use them if there are any still happening.  Then make sure you are using the right citatation style and you should be good

  4. hope this helps.

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