
Help me with homework!!!?

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On Tuesday our teacher told us we were having a test on Thursday, the test is on memorizing the 50 capitals (I already remember the states). So the test is tomorrow (aurally today since its like 2 am or something) I've been trying to memorize the capitals like crazy but I just can't.

Can anyone help me, suggestions on an easy way to study them (don't say index cards)




  1. There's a limit to how much you can remember AT 2:00 AM within such a short amount of time. I would just do as much as I can. Also, going  straight to bed after memorizing (instead of watching tv, eating, etc.) helps you remember better the next morning.

    Good luck.

  2. Indeed here is a site with them all hope this helps you.

  3. i memorized them using a map of the US that had only the states and the capitols on it.  i have an image of the US burned in my mind and i can just think of any state and name the capitol, even if i dont have a list of the states because i can just go through the US geographically.

    make a map of the US and write the names of the capitols in each state and just stare at it for an hour.  close your eyes every once in a while and try to move around the map in your mind, naming the capitols as you go.

  4. Man, I don't know what to tell ya! If you've know since Tuesday you should have started studying earlier! Ok ok, I'm not saying anything you don't know...

    I can only suggest to go through and make mnemonic devices for each state.


    Cali likes Mentos (California=Sacramento)


    I threw a Little Rock at the Arc (Arkansas= Little Rock)


    Dela Dove into water (Delaware=Dover)


    Connect with my Heart (Connecticut=Hartford)

    etc etc

    If all else fails, pick 25 states and work hard at memorizing them. Getting half of the capitols right will at least get you some points instead of not memorizing any of them because 50 was too much.

    Good luck!

  5. Heh. In School, my sister learned a rap. It was pretty cool. I forgot most of it. Try speaking them in beat.

  6. If you have an ipod make up a song with them in and then listen to it while ur on the net or something (there already is a song but i don't know what its called or where to find it). If it has a catchy tune it should make it easier. if u don't have an ipod then tape record it or something.

  7. remember the two letters FIRST then try to remember the full name. Ex: CA, California.

    it will help also if you remember the two letters of where they are in the map.

  8. Find a website or something like Wikipedia, that displays a state, and then the captial, Say the state's name in a singy tune, and then say that state's captial along in a singy tune, if you get what I mean.


    have fun!!!

  10. Try using the alphabet to memorize them, or put them in a certain order with the way you may have the states memorized and try that.

  11. you try to remember them by writing them again and again

    first you right them by seeing them then try to write them without seeing them it is one of the most used technique used by students for rememberance  

  12. I like the pneumonic devices already presented.  Memory is about association.  The more associations you can build between ideas, the better your memory will be.

    (Some people respond well to color-coding, as well.)

    Don't work on all 50 at once!

    Break them into 3 or 4 groups, and focus on 1 group at a time.  This is a much more efficient way of memorizing.

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