
Help me with middle school please!Urgent!?

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Don't call me a dork but I have never gotten a grade lower then 95 on my report cards ever! I am in the 7th grade this year and freaking out! My Social Studies teacher is super mean, my math teacher is harsh,my science teacher is going to fast, and my language arts teacher gives out tons of work!

Is there a trick to getting better grades,and if I get a B will I never get into a college. My family is poor so I need a scholarship.Even a little one would help! Please don't tell me I shouldn't worry because it doesn't help. Are there ways to keep grades high or ways to get teachers to like you with out kissing up. The kids at my school are mean and I would literally be killed. I am so nervous and I am freaking out!

Any body who has gotten through 7th grade or anyone who has experienced this feeling please help!




  1. It doesnt really matter till High School, do your best there =]

  2. if u get a B you will still get into college and your only in 7th grade.

    do some extra revision a home and ask your teachers to go a bit slower. just dont push yourself harder than you can go

  3. start worrying in high school

  4. calm down, stay after school and get help ask for a tutor and if you get homework or class work you dont understand it is so important for you to ask questions because your question might be the same as someone else who's afraid to ask. but if you keep asking questions then it will click with the teacher that maybe i need to slow down or explain this better. BUT THE ONLY DUMB QUESTION IS THE ONE THAT YOU DONT ASK.

  5. I experinced HALF of what you had. Ignore the kids, if you want friends, join more activities like soccer club, and yeah, so you'll meet more friends.

    About the teacher thing, well, I think teachers like you if your grades are good. 1. Attending school regularly so you won't miss any lessons. Take notes! 2. Keep a positive attitude. Think about what you CAN DO. And what you ALREADY KNOW. 3. Be prepared to learn, have the neseccary pencils, pens and notebooks, etc. 4. Complete all of your assignments. 5. Set goals for yourself when learning new stuff. Then, every night try to review over it and accomplish it.

    It's always a good thing to review over your school work. Eat healthy meals and good excercises.  

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